Jesus Cabezudo
Ángel Cabezón
Alex Cacioppo
Amy Caffrey – I hold strong the belief in equality for all. I hold strong the beliefs written in the manifesto. I have never read anything that so precisely depics my thoughts & feelings. It is comforting that I am not alone in my thoughts and in my activism.
Caleb Cage
Jean Cahan – This document seems to me an unusually fair and thoughtful statement of the main foreign policy question facing the West today. Its nonpartisan tone and recognition of differences with respect to Iraq in the midst of agreement on other issues,including domestic ones, and agreement on what liberalism might be, is extremely important in the current and future conjunctures.
Michael Cain – I am concerned at the revival of religious fundementalism of whatever faith and the lefts inability to challenge it and even more worringly appear to embrace it in its usual patronising and paternal way.
Hugh Cairns
Daryn Caister
Kerstin Calderon Vera
Antonello Calia
David Caliger
Juan Felipe Calle – I’m a classic American liberal, and the Euston Manifesto perfectly expresses my beliefs.
Neil Calloway
Michael Calvillo
Pier Luigi Camagni
Tamerlane Camden-Dunne
Cameron Campbell – I’m tired of having to spend half my time separating my views from those of nuts. I’m tired of having my views hi-jacked by the same nuts. I’m tired of the left-wing circle jerk firing squads where we spend our time saying “you aren’t left enough” and I’m tired of all of these things basically giving the political battlefield to the right.
Gordon Campbell – When I read the manifesto I felt overwhelming relief that I am not the only one who holds these views. The nutters seem to grab all the limelight these days which is more a reflection of the state of the media than the state of the left.
James Campbell
Richard Campbell
Dylan Campeze
Nevio Campolongo
Abigael Candelas
Joan Cann
Adam Cannell
Paul Canniff – I am grateful to the drafters of the manifesto for providing a reasonable road map out of the wilderness of the shrill partisan baiting and mind-numbing kabuki theatre that constitutes so much of political discourse in the West. While I consider myself a conservative in the classical sense, I have no problem with efforts to rehabilite the term “liberal” if it helps promote healthy productive debate. Anything less than a clear common focus on the threats to Western liberal democracy is a dangerous indulgence that neither side of the traditional divide can afford.
Michael Cannons
Loyola Careaga
David Carlisle
Phil Carmel – I signed because I have never assumed that my support for liberal values everywhere in the world puts me anywhere else other than on the left. Nobody has the right to tell other nations they’re not ready yet for democracy and human rights and acquiesce in their oppression.You have allowed all progressives to come home to where we belong.In recent years, the left has increasingly been hijacked by those whose sole link to the left has been their anti-Americanism. Living in France and watchinglarge chunks of the French left spout on about the mythic liberalism of globalisation as some kind of enemy and blithely ally with the far-right to push a nationalist agenda in order to reject the EU constitution
Na’ama Carmi – Because it’s time…
Morgan Carpenter – Rational thought, democracy, free speech, the primacy of human laws, justice, human rights and equality, without succumbing to cultural relativism. These are things that I believe in and strongly value. The Euston Manifesto is an opportunity to state this loudly and clearly, to promote change and renewal.
Andrew Carr – Justice is an eternal and critical value for the left. Whilst we must be the first to acknowledge our own failings towards this aim, we have managed to blind ourselves to the real injustices of this world. There is much yet to do, much we have failed to prevent. It is only through a return to positive internationalist action, advancing the good that we can hope to reinspire the fight for justice. We can not just be the change we wish to see, but must daily advance it.
Diane Carriere – I support all fifteen principles stated in the Euston Manifesto.
Seb Carroll – Old Labour seems rooted in the past. Its intransigent, divisive and didactic approach is as much a turn-off today as the ignorant and bullying methods of the trade unions were in the 70s and the poison of Thatcherism was in the 80s. It’s time the New Left took over the agenda, built alliances with like-minded liberals and others, and focused on striving towards global peace and global prosperity.
Helen Carter – I have been troubled for some time by the double standards which condemn, say, the US so much more forcefully than, say, Russia or China for human rights abuses. Plus the relativism which is ready to accept ,for example, female genital mutilation as a “cultural” practice. I hold to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Gwenn Carver – I simply have found that the manifesto articulates my feelings and thoughts perfectly.
Andrew Case
Dorian Casemore
Roger Cass – I am a democrat and a progressive. I am also a Reagan Republican. As one who believes that the leftist elites in America and Europe have, as you put it, become “too flexible” about the authentic values of our democratic societies, in particular their support for totalitarian and terrorist regimes, the simplistic “anti-imperialsism” of Chomsky and Said, and the blind anti-Americanism of Pinter and the European cultural elites, I read carefully your Statement of Principles and endorse them virtually without exception. I hope this is the beginning of a new voice from the Left, and a fresh political alignment. Good luck. Roger Cass
Fabio Cassarà
Alexandro Castillo – I agree whit the content of the manifesto and think that all the citizens of the world must be united against untolerance,dictatorships,unjustice and facist ideology,
José Luis Castrillón
Luis Castro
José Carlos Cataño
Mark Cenczyk
Enrico Cerchione
Sarah Chabchoub
Adam Chaikof
Loren Chang – Finally, people on the left who truly support human rights and liberty for all, as opposed to the knee-jerk “stick it to the Man”-type we’ve seen all too much of. Hopefully this heralds the return of the left that brought us the Marshall Plan and enlightened internationalism. I can finally start identifying with the Left again without feeling like a total douche. May sanity prevail and keep up the good fight.
Dion Channer – I heard the discussion conducted by Philip Adams on LNL, ABC radio on 1st June, 2006 and found myself moved from my normal state of frustration over my inability to voice my concern over the direction in which I perceive matters national (Australian) and international have been and are taking. As an Australian Malaysian/Sarawak and Vietnam Vet I am horrified by what I perceive as the (hypocritical) behaviour of our so called leaders who seem not to have learnt anything from history and am equally horrified by the behaviour of regimes which wield their power through fear, a weapon that I sense also being used, albiet perhaps in a slightly subtler way by our own lawmakers. The authors of and the manifesto itself are breathes of fresh air and I’m honoured to be able to add my name, insignificant though it may be, to the document. Thank you to all of you.
Ewan Chapman – For international justice and an attempt to untite democrats everywhere
James Chapman
Patrick Chapman – At last… A reasoned and constructive debate
Gaby Charing
Castro Charles
Shelley Charlesworth
Hugo Charlton
Craig Charney
William Chartrand – The Euston Manifesto dares to rethink the collectivist and groupthink attitudes of the European left. It asserts that Americans ought to be judged on the quality of their individual characters, not Bush’s War.
Jeff Chernow
Robin Childs
Toby G. Chiu
Mashud Choudhury
Ian Christie – At last lefties and liberals who aren’t afraid to say they don’t hate America and that it was a good thing to oust Saddam. So refreshing. I feel that I can return from my personal post-9/11 political wilderness. I would be interested in assisting the group generally and am particularly interested in supporting groups of Iraqi or Middle Eastern progressives.
Kyle Christie – Having read your manifesto, I am glad that I have finally found some like-minded individuals. For the past 6 months or so I have been writing a blog which has, by and large, espoused very similar views ( and have frequently found myself in some small despair that I appear to hold opinions which are very much in the minority. Glad that finally there is an organasation dedicated to this. Thank You.
Michael Christie
Paul Christopher
Lynn Chu – I applaud the universalist appeal of this manifesto. I am not a Jew. But I am especially concerned today about the rising tide of anti-Semitism worldwide, both on the left and in Islam. This racist viciousness, often masked in various sheeps’ clothing, has always been a precursor to genocide, and not only of Jews.
Elbert Chung – I signed because I am sick of the world being savagely divided into The Left and The Right by our leaders, the media and the poisonous politically-correct mentality that has rendered us stupid and silent. It is as though we have to see the world in either black or white, right or wrong or Left or Right. The truth of the matter is that the Big Shadow we are living under right now will only be made darker with a hard swing to either side. The Left must realize that as tragic and unfortunate as it might be, sometimes blood needs to be shed to prevent the shedding of more blood; while The Right must also realize that mindlessly and savagely shedding blood will not solve all problems and the finger needs not to be always on the trigger. I signed because The Euston Manifesto is a levelheaded, logical and human (and humane) approach that doesn’t adhere to rhetoric of either extreme. Fuck being on The Left or The Right–let’s just be human, let’s just have humanity and let’s just have some common sense.
Richard Chung
Micael Cimet
Dario Victor Cipriani – I am in favor of intelligent tools to end “conservative liberal” thinking.
Justin Clack
Eric Claessens
Rob Clancy – I signed this manifesto because it accurately reflects how I feel about global politics. It is difficult to articulate at times and I think this manifesto does a marvellous job.
Scott Clarey
Brian Clark
Don Clark – I signed this document for the simple reason that it represents all the emptiness of current discussion of social and political issues. It mistakes volume of text and weight of latinism for clarity and sharpness of content. So it cannot replace the endless slanging match between “left” and “right” – it just invites another round. Worse, the order of the points is breathtakingly muddleheaded – the more so given your stated aim. Heavy editing suggests that this may be what you mean: The Euston principles As commentators on politics and society we believe in three basic principles: 1. Equality for all We support political and social equality for all. For example, we support full gender equality, equality between different ethnic communities, between those of various religious affiliations and those of none, among others. 2. Human rights for all. We hold the internationally agreed Universal Declaration of Human Rights to be precisely universal, and binding on all states and political movements, indeed on everyone. 3. Democracy and freedom for all. We are committed to the democratic process — freedom of opinion and assembly, free elections, separation of legislative, executive and judicial powers, separation of state and religion, transparent good governance and accountability in legislature and judiciary, and the establishment of these processes in all countries. We aim to bring debate and progress towards these aims to all people of unambiguous democratic commitment, regardless of political alignment. Indeed, we propose here a fresh political alignment. [Aren’t just these three the basics, without which all else is falls? Aren’t they universal principles? Confine all the other ramblings to the in-practice “elaboration” if you must, but for heaven’s sake get to the point, keep it simple, and ditch all “left” and “progressive” tosh.]
Mike Clark
Deniel Clarke
Ian Clarke
Andrew Clayton
Danny Cleary
Patrick Cleary
Matthew Cleghorn
Will Clein – To stand for that which I see being battered into the ground. For democracy, for liberty.
Douglas Clifford
Frances Clifton
Bryan Close – Totalitarianism is wrong. Mindless violence and oppression are wrong. The so-called liberals who try to rationalize or justify terrorism are wrong and must be called on it, for the sake of decency. The so-called conservatives who cling to power in this country by hysterically denouncing anyone engaging in reasoned debate as an “appeasor” are wrong and must be exposed, for the sake of humanity.
Corey Close
John Andrew Watson Clough
Harold Clumeck
David Coast
Kristian Coates Ulrichsen
Dallas Cobb
Franco Cocchi
Jed Cochran
Jon Cochran
Anna Coghen – While I wouldn’t describe myself as of the Left, I passionately agree with the core principles of freedom and universal values set out in your Manifesto. I am deeply touched by your effort to bridge the Left – Liberal – Conservative divide. In fact the Manifesto gave me back my respect for the Left. Finally, as a self-declared and non-apologetic Neocon I am delighted to find progressives who don’t consider me a part of a vast, evil conpiracy and root of all evil.
Elliot Cohen – The Manifesto verbalises the feelings of discomfort I have had about the hypocrisies of those whose stated liberal agenda I instinctively want to cheer.
Felix Cohen – I believe that a new manifesto of political intent, to replace the jaded, watered down ideals of the existing parties, is essential to any rejuvenation of our democratic system. This manifesto represents a reasonable prportion of my beliefs, but more importantly, I believe that the publication and reception of a political manifesto that realises and understands the power of the web, open-source and other new democratic ideas can and will succeed
Gary Cohen – I am quite certain that I do not fully accept all aspects of the Euston Manifesto. But I do believe that it is the best statement I have yet seen of the political beliefs that I hold dear. Further, I am certain that these 15 points, if subscribed globally, would be the basis for real world peace and prosperity.
Margaret Cohen
Mitchell Cohen
Orna Cohen
Rip Cohen
Leonardo Cohen Shabot
Joey Coleman – I believe very strongly that people need to take a stand against the current climate of extremes and doublespeak.
Sean Coleman – Sir, I signed to uphold the democratic socialist principles with which I was raised, to renounce the quietist and evasive behaviour particular to so many on the left, to lay claim to a common liberal heritage, to declare support for embattled democrats the world over, in Iraq and elsewhere, to stand against fundamentalistism, to denounce murderous terror and agression, to proclaim the sovereignty of the individual and the necessity of equality, to espouse fraternity and solidarity as the highgest human virtues, and to protect the rights which are inherent, and which the laws bestow upon us. Fraternally, Sean Coleman, Dublin.
William Coleman
Christopher Colenso-Dunne – I sign this manifesto with reservations. The manifesto contains an admirable and reverberating call for rights but limits that call to human rights. Unacceptably, the manifesto fails to call for the right of non-human animals to coexist with those humans who believe, merely because they are human, that they have the unqualified right to exploit other species. The manifesto urges us to recognise the universality of human rights but fails to urge us to recognise the universality of human duties. There is no exhortation in the manifesto to live in harmony with the earth and look after it and all life for the generations to come. None of our human rights are absolute: they are conditional upon us doing three things. In the first place, we have always had to fight to gain our rights from those who would deny us those rights. Next, we have always had to fight against those who would take from us the rights we have gained. Most importantly, we have always had to fight on behalf of those who have been too weak to fight for themselves against those who would deny or take away the rights of those who are weaker than themselves.
Adam Colligan – The Euston Manifesto is the clearest expression I have ever come across of a sentiment that has haunted me deeply for several years. In opposition to the tormented, conviction-dwelling worldview of the Deep South in which I was raised, I find in academia and the new student movement, such as it exists, not a rejection of fascism and fundamentalism but a thoroughbred myopia, turned inward so grotesquely on the failings of liberal democracy that it is suffocating Western ideological priorities more efficiently than neo-conservatism has managed in eight years. The Euston Manifesto proves that the Blair Doctrine of international community does not sink with one man’s political “Tragedy” (the Atlantic), wedged between presidencies of skittish realpolitik and dogmatic American exceptionalism. It shows us that there is an alternative in between Nancy Pelosi’s undiscerning firebranding and Tony Blair’s tactical self-muzzling, and that this alternative is a liberal one, whatever Daniel Finkelstein might say. Euston’s hope should find deep roots in the rhetorically vital separation of moral fallibility from both shameless relativism and dangerous evangelical certainty. Thank you; I will never again doubt the power of great things to emerge from what fills the air between friends in a pub.
Michael Collinge – The North American left lacks conviction. I am dismayed to note a growing isolationism among North American leftist parties, notably the (American) Democratic Party and the (Canadian) New Democratic Party. The Euston Manifesto is refreshing in its commitment to pragmatic liberal values and policy.
Daniel Collins
Jeffrey Collins
Margaret Collins
Nick Collins
Nik Colman – The manifesto encapsulates common sense and reason. It simply and elegantly sets out pretty much everything I have come to believe. In these days of anti-American, anti-oil, anti-capitalist, guilt ridden envirohype, it is comforting to find a statement of such obvious sanity. How could I not sign?
Rafael Coloma Ojeda
Stuart Colville
DUNCAN COMRIE – I support the Euston Manifest because it’s a new historical force for the liberation of the individual.
Rowena Comrie
Oliver Conant
John Concannon
De la Cruz Concepción
Keith Conley – I have signed out of frustration and anger with the unthinking response by many on the left to difficult and complex decisions in a confusing post-communist world. Too many have sacrificed important social democratic principles in order to cause maximum damage to right-wing politicians. In doing so they have undermined legitimate causes for complaint and poisoned much common ground. The manifesto scratches a big philosophical itch for me!
Mike Connelly – Reading Nick Cohen’s book “What’s Left” , which made a reference to the EM, helped to clarify my ideas about the present state of the liberal left. I was a long term member of the Labour Party who left because of what I saw as a drift way from certain key commitments that I thought the party ought to have. To be honest I was so appalled by contemporary events in Iraq that I had begun to think that the whole enterprise was a mistake, despite the fact that I originally rejoiced at the overthrow of Saddam and his bestial regime. I now realise that, despite the mistakes that have been made, and the mixed motives, to say the least, of some of the advocates of the liberation of Iraq and Afghanistan, that this is the right course of action. And it is the duty of all of us on the liberal left to assert the fundamental freedoms for all as advocated in the Euston Manifesto and to stand up against the various version of islamo -fascism that it has become fashionable to condone and defend by some liberals and left thinkers.
John Conner
Ryan Connor
Catherine Conway
Kieran Conway
Ben Cook
Joe Cook – Because the Left I once knew has been replaced by a group of rabid apologetics and anti-Americans. Because I don’t want to stand by and let the Left lose itself in a fervour over “trendy” positions which mask the reality of the domestic and global situation. Because I believe in human rights, worker rights, free speech, free press, equality and democracy not just for me and my neighbours, but for all the world, and the world’s people.
Samuel Cook
Tim Cook
Andrew Cooke
Matt Cooke
Adam Cooper
Catherine Cooper
David Cooper – I supportive progressive, non violent political, social, economic asnd cultural reform to faciliate social and economic justice and equity. I would hope this movement could also embrace the move to make modern institutions, including corporations, democratically accountable.
Elliott Cooper
Marc Cooper
Enrique Corao – I have always been in the left, was even a member of the communist party in Venezuela, and also a critic of all dogmas. I found in the Euston Manifesto an authentic search for a better world, more humane and showing solidarity; a quest for one society that cares for all, especially for those in disadvantage, without denying the right of every one to be better. There must be a balance between societal and individual needs, founded in freedom. There is a need to fight all forms of totalitarianism, the Euston Manifesto is welcome for that.
Fred Corleone
David Corney – The manifesto is close to my own beliefs. I hope that it leads to helpful, positive action.
Conn Corrigan
Javier Cortés López
Simon Cottee – My reasons for signing the Euston Manifesto are clear. I am vehemently opposed to fascist regimes and totalitarian theocracies. I am also opposed to any attempts by so-called progressives to excuse or ‘understand’ them. By lending a sympathetic ear to the torturers, the rapists and the theocrats, the left has betrayed the very ideals that historically came to define it: solidarity with the victims of oppression, democratic values, female emancipation, sexual freedom and so on. In its place, we now see a smirking, smug, neutralist, non-judgmental isolationism. This betrayal reached its apotheosis in the responses of the left to the war in Iraq: not once did leading progressives show the slightest humanitarian concern for the Iraqi democrats, trade unionists and secularists. Quite the reverse: they gathered (with ridiculous placards) to march against – AGAINST – the removal of one of the world’s most odious regimes. Even worse, they did so with a good conscience, betraying not the vaguest intimation that had they got their way, they would be prolonging the misery and repression of the Iraqi people. That, in my mind, was a fucking disgrace. What is so impressive about the Euston Manifesto is the vigor and clarity with which it opposes this callous, reactionary mentality.
Nancy Courtenay
María del Carmen Cousillas
Brice Couturier – I am a true liberal and a liberal on the left – both a very rare case in the very anti-liberal France. I remain faithfull to the Enlightenment program, as summarized by Tocqueville “that truth is one, that it is not relative but absolute, that everybody can find it out and must comply with it”.
Richard L Coville – As a Canadian, I have grown up in the shadow of the United States. Its influence on all facets of Canadian life is immense. Indeed, it could be argued that the Canadian culture and that of its neighbour to the south are now virtually indistiguishable. That being said, there is much that is good about the US and I always enjoy visiting my neighbours to the south. However, that great nation has allowed a few ambitious, self-serving eletists to steer a dangerous course that threatens the very ideals upon which their nation was originally founded. On any given day, US policy causes atrocities to be committed somewhere on this planet that are every bit as horrible as those committed by the evil powers the United States claims to stand against. This manifesto is the closest articulation yet of what democracy is supposed to be, and is a refreshing reminder of what we all should try to live by.
Alistair Cowan
George Cox
Martin Coxall
Paul Cracknell – I signed the manifesto because it articulates the intellectual, moral and value based tensions I have of making sense of the world. Politcially left vs right has never helped me resolve those tensions. The Euston manifesto goes someway to doing so. Does that sound grandiose and pompous – yes probably, no doubt to a limited vocabulary and trying to be concise! Is it genuine view I hold though and am I telling others about the manifesto – most defintely.
Alex Craig
Phil Craig
Andrew Crane
Mike Craven
Bryant Crawford – We are in the bizarre situation in Britain in which the concept of ‘Human Rights’ is used in the most petty of circumstances, and yet the most illiberal of measures is passed almost without a fight. It is time to stop the devaluation of the concept of Human Rights and make a clear statement about what democrats believe
Philip Crawford
Lee Crawfurd
Fred Creamer
Luc Cremer
Sean Cribben
Walter Crockett
Patricia Crone
Craige Cronin – I have long had an interest in taking democracy to the next level. Our current systems were invented during horse and buggy days and are simply not adequate for the modern era. These systems must be updated. Any upgrade should not unduly disrupt our current democratic processes and yet expand individual rights and influence over government – seemingly contradictory but far from impossible. The upgrade must also be tailored to and incorporate instinctive human behaviour (only sensible). There is an obvious flaw in the current democratic processes which is counter-productive to our solving the environmental catastrophes lying shortly ahead. Problems which may, according to respected scientists like James Lovelock, lead to the deaths of billions and see our world rendered almost uninhabitable for the next 100-200,000 years. It is all very well forming a brotherhood of more tolerant minds, but pointless if no direct action is taken when disaster so obviously looms. A better system of democracy is critical to minimizing environmental devastation and resultant chaos. The question should not be – But what if all these doomsayer’s predictions are wrong? Rather, the question is – When hundreds of scientists begin saying the same thing, what if they are only partially right?
Harriet Cronin
Nick Crook
Michael Cross
Paul Cross
Cameron Crouch
Philip Crouch – I sincerely believe in the focusing of a One World Parliament which embraces all intellectual, well-intentioned, spiritually & environmentally aware citizens regardless as to wealth, poverty, education, race or religious belief to work for the Whole of Global Awareness. Totally & absolutely reject the Bush-Howard-Blair versions of neo-liberlaism which is concerned with the elite few living on this planet. Individually & collectively we can in 2006 make a difference. Kind regards Philip -global citizen, living in Australia
Samantha Crouse
Robert Crumpton
Chris Cummins – There is evil in our world, there is no clearer evidence of evil’s presence than in the modern jihadists. They deserve to be found, engaged and killed. This shouldn’t be scandalous for a liberal to say. Our success in this long struggle for civilization is assured once we strive to prove America’s virtue to the world and not pursuit policies that suggest America’s virtue is beyond reproach.
Jack Cunningham – Now, as during the struggles against fascism and Communism, the central divide in politics is between those who recognize the necessity of fighting totalitarianism and those who don’t. There are moral and prudential reasons why this battle should not be waged on a partisan or sectarian basis, but by those of all shades of democratic opinion who understand what is at stake and are committed to a principled and realistic internationalism. This manifesto provides a rallying point for those who would reclaim the banners of liberalism, social democracy, and democratic socialism from those who now carry them but oppose what they have, at their best, meant.
Ben Curlee – Last best hope for those who call themselves Liberals.
Mark Curren
Craig Eldon Curry – It is refreshing to encounter a group of self-proclaimed liberals who do not default to the position that the war in Iraq is unjustified because of the mendacity and incompetency of the Bush presidency. Liberals with a sense of history, an international awareness, and a backbone understand that the reasons for intervention in Iraq supersede those offered to the world by President Bush in March 2003 and afterward. They transcend those of this presidency and any presidency. This is an international concern, and so it requires an international solution in which liberals should be involved. The Euston Manifesto expresses that cogently and with courage. That is why I signed.
Thomas Cushman
Louise Côté