Euston Manifesto Signatories: L

Molly Laas

Jim Labbe – A rational, well-aimed, often remarkably stirring document.

Renato Labi

Ana Laborda Cobo

Jacques Labrecque – Political sense and sensibility.

Tzvi Lachman

Carl Ladek

Loraine Lake

Dan Lalor – One life, with each other, sisters, brothers

Ronnie Landau

Richard Lander

Bob Lane – It is only through a respect for historical truth that we have any hope for a peaceful and flourishing future filled with prosperity, hope, and respect.

Derry Langley

Paul Langston – It represents an intelligent and informed point of view barely visible in the etablished media.

Chuck Lapinsky

Benny ‘Buzz’ Lappin – White liberals wearing Hezbollah t-shirts? Give me a break. Time to assert a few basic values

Shalom Lappin

Yonatan Lappin

Barry Larking – I have recently learnt of the existence of this grouping. It reflects long held beliefs of my own. The Left was neuralised for decades by its blindness toward Stalinism. As Orwell wrote, people in England on the left “sniggered at the King Emperor [of India] but did not examine their own attitudes towards Stalin.” The anti war (sic) demonstration in London in 2003 was a low, low point for me. Good women and men lined up behind medievalism. I detest war, its corruption of the human. We do not surmount it by embracing fascism.

Ricardo Ulises Larrechea Castán – I signed because a simple reason, all my family and I share left values, but we are incresly disappointed with the ideas of the “traditional” left, which appears for us to be out of the world, ancient and non realistic, and many times against the core values of the ideas they pretend to defend. We all think there is a need of refoundation un the left, and initiatives like this seems to fix with our believes, specially in matters of internationalization. We have to do something now, and this is a good start…i hope it will have a good end

Peter Ravn Larsen

Colin Latham

Gianfranco Laurenzi – you should live the situation of the left in our wonderful italy (and in the whole europe, unfortunately)…It’s time to break up with comunism, in its every neo or old face. This new left is right!this manifesto is an answer to my awful fear of keep voting for the better looser.

Andreas Lauvstad – Being tired of the knee-jerk anti-Americanism and refusal to speak out against terrorism common on the left, I found that the Euston Manifesto describes my own views pretty accurately.

Yigal Laviv

Chris Law

Stewart Law – My leftwing politics have always sprung from an instinctive feel for what is right and proper. My gut reaction to the anti Americanism of the last few years has led me to believe that many on the left have lost their way. It’s time to be proud to call yourself a leftist once again.

Tony Law – The manifesto says it all.

Chris Lawes – I was initially very confused about Iraq. Of course, I was wary both of war in general, and George Bush in particular. But I wasn’t able to fully commit myself to opposing a military intervention against one of the foulest regimes in the world. I was struck by how others on the left were convinced at how just plain evil war would be. This position would be understandable if this was an island ruled by Quakers, who were accused of attempting to mass produce toys for the orphans of the world. But this was far from the truth, and the nature of the country in question should, if not justify military actions, at least rule out such unwavering hyper-Gandhianism. And I couldn’t help but feel that if the President in charge was a certain womanising Democrat, instead of the cowboy Republican that it was, they would not be quite so strident in their beliefs. But it was Saddam himself, imploring us to march against the war, which broke this camel’s back. I couldn’t be certain that had I been born earlier in time I wouldn’t have been a ‘useful idiot,’ but I was determined not to be one now.

Paul Lawley-Jones

Eddie Lawrence – I signed because I think that we, the people on the left, should begin to think seriously about our priorities. I do not agree 100% with the Manifesto but I am pretty sure that it’s the best starting point we can get now. And we are living in dangerous times.

Kevin Lawrence – Opposition to the war is all too often caricatured as support for terrorism. Liberal ideas are lost in the din of criticism of the conservative agenda. It’s time for progressive ideas to be heard. The Euston Manifesto is one small voice. Here’s hoping that its echos will resonate across the whole world.

Kenneth Laycock

Gillian Lazarus

Ned Lazarus

Nam Le – The viewpoints expressed in the Manifesto should be shared by more people around the world before there is any meaningful debate, and consequently, positive change in conflicts worldwide (most importantly, the Middle East).

John Le Huquet

David Leach

Cheryl Lean

Richard Lechich – True liberal principles should be supported and applied consistently by those who claim to espouse them. Liberals should neither support nor apologize for the crimes of tyrants who impede the progressive movement toward freedom and enlightenment. This progression toward freedom is the right of all, not just the western world. However, many of the so called left have abandoned their principles or refuse to carry them to their logical conclusion. I agree with these principles and thus that is why I am signing this document to show that not all liberals have abandoned their core principles.

Eric Lee

Samuel Lees – I feel that this manifesto represents an ideal to which we should all aspire towards. In addition, I feel it reinvigorates support for the greater aims of international peace and security, not merely through the promotion of democracy but through understanding and accomodation. These are aims and methods that we should never lose sight of or be persuaded are misguided.

Jose David Lefelman ( Puncho ) – Las ideas humanistas y las politicas de progreso existian mucho antes y existiran despues de la maniquea division en de derechas y de izquierdas. La historia del siglo pasado y la del comienzo del presente es clara acerca del fracaso de ambas plataformas para mejorar las sociedades. En la compleja, dificil e injusta coyuntura politica y social que vive la humanidad, este manifiesto esta cargado de razones para ser una referencia en la consecusion de esas ideas y esas politicas de progreso.

Josh Legere

David Lehmann – I share particularly the project of a politics of social justice in as many countries as possible, detached from irredentist forms of nationalism and identity politics, from the politics of demogogues such as Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro and twittish anti-globalism.

Michael Lehmann

Marc Leiba

James Leighton

Michael Leopardi – I believe that the best future we can hope for is one guided by rationality and the right to having different philosophies not ideologies (the difference being one can admit a different point of view being right in terms of philosophies,something excluded by ideologies),where at most we have personal spiritual beliefs but not giving power to religions (spiritual being a connection with something greater and private,and religious being a burocratic structure of dogmas),fighting to avert dramatic climate change,in the belief that globalisation can only be used for good but not stopped or impeded.And finally,the belief in their being a concrete chance of peace in Israel by simply applying the principles of oslo accords and soci-political reform from within israel,while maintaining it’s right of existance as an ethnically jewish state.Thus,sharing many of these values,I sign the manifesto in principle.

Matthew Leslie

Rebecca Lesses

Cy Lester

Graham Lester – A manifesto that’s supportive of fairness and common sense for a change.

Ohad Levi-Zaloscer

Helen Levine

Robert Levine

Genaro Levinson

Neil Levitan

Audrey Levitin

Brian Levy – I have been a member of the Labour Party since 1957 and I am delighted to sign this manifesto which sweeps away the poisonous prejudices that have seeped into the 21st century liberal/left agenda.

Rabbi Sue Levy – I believe you are creating something important, and I wish to be a part of it.

Richard S Levy

Aron Lewis

Matthew Lewis – Because Earth requires it

Melanie Lewis


Colin Lewisohn – I have not had a political home for twenty years. British political parties seem to have no real philosophy or ones that I cannot support. The manifsto is absolutely correct. I am so disappointed with supporters of ‘left-wing’ organisations who tolerate and excuse oppression, whether this be anti-Israel, anti-Palestine, anti-Blair but so consistently not pro-anything. I am a liberal socialist this manifesto represents me.

Adam Lewitt – Because I refuse to compromise my internationalism and solidarity with those forces who would seek to change the world for the better by making apologies for those who would set the clock back to the Middle Ages. Freedom should be universal; On this I do agree with George W Bush.

Jesús Alexis León Lasserrott

Idan Liberman – Because the Left needs to remember what propelled him to fight for progressive purposes in the first place. We should be standing FOR western democracy and freedom, not against it. The claims about economic and cultural colonization are important and ultimately correct, but they should NEVER be an excuse to support regimes that are so far back REACTIONARY simply because they are non-western. If the Left – the enlightened, just and freedom-lving left – ever wants to repair his damaged reputation he must remain true to its core values – freedom, equality, brotherhood. I cannot see, by any stretch of the imagination, how supporting the theocracies of Iran and Hamas (in occupied Palestine), the nightmare regime of North Korea, the would-be dictator of Venezuela and the criminal, so-called “Communist” government of China contribute to peace, freedom and justice for all. With that note, I would like to ddisclaim that I support all articles of the Euston Manifesto WITH ONE RESERVATION – that of the final paragraph of section C. ELABORATIONS that condemns international organizations like Amnesty as hypocritical when condemning abominations like Guantanamo Bay and the US Patriot Act. I hold Amnesty and the like to be the forefront of civil liberties, and powerful and genuine friends and allies in the struggle for true demicractic values. My signature therefore does not ally to this paragraph.

Joseph Libson – I identify myself as generally conservative. It is wonderful to see good people on “the other side” putting together a respectable and comprehensive agenda. This manifesto brings us closer to achieving a healthy and dynamic tension between thoughtful and good “progressives” and thoughtful and good “conservatives” all of whom are interested in advancing the best ideals of Western Civilization. Nice work and good luck.

Avi Lichtenstein

Greig Liddell – Because I oppose all political and religious fundamentalists. Because I opposed the war in 2002 but do not want to see civil war in Iraq now, and believe we must do all we can to help Iraq achieve stable democracy. Because the Labour Party are not responsible for all wrongs in the world.

Amund Lie

Samel Lieblich

Steve Lieblich

Penny Liechti

Bonnie Lief

Naomi Lightman

Ligneus Ligneus – Though I am a conservative, neo-con if you like, I like and admire Norm Geras very much, and of course ‘lefties’ like him and the neo-cons have a lot in common. I you read my blog, which I share with Zee who lives on a converted barge on the Ohio River in Cincinnatti, you’d figure we’re pretty right wing, which goes to show the whole right/left wing thing is breaking down in favour of a more honest common sense view of the world’s problems. I’m an ex-Brit now living in Toronto.

Timon Linderud – It is important to rebuild a strong new, egalitarian and socially built, Left movement which can provide a healthy, and needed, alternative to the populistic, shortsighted and elitist politics of which are overrepresented on the Right-wing. The manifest incorporates important traditional values, while at the same time recognizing the need for constant development and focus on alternative means to reech these measures.

Shawn Lindsey – Before the 9/11 attacks, I was an apolitical young man who disregarded the events of the world as being beyond my control, but firmly in the grasp of those who had no interest in the welfare of mankind. As many have said before, 9/11 changed the world, and it certainly changed me. Since, I have become aware of the domestic and international machinations that shape the lives of the world’s population. Before I saw these maneuverings as stagnant posturing; now I see thrusts in a delicate game of chess, one where the stakes are immeasurable. Furthermore, I have become aligned with the right, a place I never would have seen myself six years ago. I am uncomfortable in this pairing, though indefinitely committed, so long as many progressives are committed to illiberal ideas that are anathema to me and a true progressive creed. Strangely, I believe the right has actually become the true bastion of classical liberalism in my country. But with this manifesto, I see a set of ideals that reasserts progressive beliefs and cleaves it to the integrity and courage I find in the right. This is a movement that I could belong to wholly, not just intellectually.

Stephen Lindsey – Why wouldn’t I sign?

Andrew Lindup

Sarah Linhart – It just makes sense really.


Thiago Lisboa – I suffer from a lack of identification with the left ideology nowadays. As a jew, I can’t support ideas that deffend Israel destruction and Holocaust denial, but more than anything, as a democracy supporter, I cant’t be at the same side that the teocracy, the totalitarism and the dictatures that the “new left” support. I’m anger for alternatives inside the left and I find it on this manifest.

Mario List

Jane Rachel Litman

Steve Little – I believe the Manifesto represents a rare opportunity to restate a Humanist and progressive agenda and to promote a genuinely Universalist platform, free from the populist leftish prejudices of Anti-Americanism and Subjectivism. I believe this project presents an oportunity to meld genuinely informed and insightful political thought with realsitic and achievable goals as distinct to the recent populism on offer from the political mainstream. The Manifesto is not so much an answer as the space for asking the questions. I believe this is an opportunity to shape UK, European and Global policy for the better, as participated in by thinking women and men with the benfit of the disintermediation of the Internet. Finally I am signing the Manifesto because this is a unique opportunity to draw on the heat of the dying embers of the current admistration. In place of internicene struggle and political penduluming to the right we can instead set the agenda and in so doing draw to us those who share our convictions whatever political label they currently subscribe to.

Mark Littler – Because I agree with the views expressed in the document. Obviously.

Eric Litwack – I see myself as a Tocquevillian constitutionalist rather than a socialist, and therefore a critic of both “left” and “right” compromises of democracy and human rights. Much of the Euston Manifesto is salutary, in its unequivocal condemnation of terrorism and extremist threats to liberty, whatever their source may be. I am especially appalled at the casual antisemitism and contempt for historical truth that have become rampant these days, along with all-too many excuses for tyranny and human rights violations of the most extreme variety. Defenders of democracy, whether liberal or conservative, need a set of core values. The Euston Manifesto is a good start.

David Livingston

Graham Lloyd

John Lloyd

Brett Lock – Finally, something that makes sense!

Mark Lockett – Because, as an ordinary working man, I am more and more exasperated by the ‘hysteria’ and emotional blackmail now being used by some on the left (and opportunists of all persuasions), instead of reasoned argument. The driving force behind these tactics seems to be more anti-American and (by association) anti-Blair, than pro-democracy.

Chris Lockie – I have been in the past instinctively against international intervention, and was a fully paid-up member of the anti-war campaign in 2003. But when looked at from a more impassive, sensible angle, it is difficult to argue that, though the Iraq invasion has been handled disastrously by those in charge, this point is largely irrelevant now (to Iraqis especially) and it is up to everyone to support the rebuilding exercise in the face of those murderous few who would oppose it. Future intervention should not be opposed simply because it proposed by western governments, as it may well be in the best interests of those whose human rights are being ignored. In years to come, perhaps the document’s emphasis on international politics will be viewed as quaint as equality and openness are debated in a more peaceful world. I agree with the manifesto because I can’t think of a reason not to.

Keith Lodge

Drew Loewe – I don’t agree with everything here, and the principles require some specification of their support. However, it’s nice to see a good attempt at lifting the fog and getting back to a place where we might (re)discover important values. Moral courage and common sense are at the heart of this manifesto.

Tirzah Loewenstein

Nick Loney

Syd Longford – I am a small d democrat. I have a visceral dislike of autocratic regimes of all stripes. I am in agreement with the aims and interests of the manifesto. The world needs our viewpoint and our activities as much now as it ever has since the enlightenment began. Thank you all.

Sheryl Longin

Javier Lopez

Thomas Lord

Johanna Louw – I signed because there is too much blind anti-Americanism in liberal European circles as well as a failure to recognise the resurgence of antisemitism and the dangers posed by Islamist ideology. The Left is also too anti-Israel and too reluctant to condemn atrocities elsewhere in the world, perhaps due to cowardice or because we think that capitalism has somehow ‘triumphed’ and there is no longer any need for a progressive/socialist opposition in the world.

Joni Lovenduski

Chris Lowe – I’m signing because I’m a disillusioned leftist tired with other Chomskyite leftists blaming absolutely all of the world’s problems on the western hegemon. I’m also disilusioned with so-called radical post-modernists ‘problematizing’ everything into a relativist abyss. What both groups have in common is a failure to offer any sort of progressive program as an alternative. The Euston Manifesto offers clear thinking at a time when the left seems confused and directionless.

Andrew Lowry

Chris Lowthorpe – I’m part of a collective of artists, writer, designers & musicians etc. based in Norwich who are attempting to cut through much of the lipservice culture we believe exists in today’ s Britain and reestablish cultural integrity. We are all ‘of the left’ but in our own way have become disillusioned with the ‘genuine left’s’ rampant anti-Americanism, apologist answers and inability to confront contemporary society. For me personally, the Euston represents a balanced and progressive route forward.

Alejandro Lozano

Manfred Lubowitz [mann] – A tremendous sense of relief to find that others felt this way—and that there is just a chance that the left [whatever that means nowadays] might just recover some sense of morality

Paolo Lucca

Alfredo Lucero-Montano

Jean-Louis Luchetta

Claire Luchetta-Rentchnik

Pedro Lucio

Pedro Lucio Diego

Jon Eirik Lundberg – For taking part in the recreation of a political spectre, that has been quarantined by the disappointed leaders of a vision that collapsed. The left of course do not belong in the pockets of tyrants. The reason they ended there, is because they invented the position being-against-both-parts. Thus equalizing democracy with despotism, any program from a base like this had to be nihilistic, not only in terms of values, but therefore also by means of action. The “pacifists” are pacified; what we need is the ability to act.

James Lutz

Jeremy Lye – So those buried by the Ebro can stop spinning in their graves.

Anna Lygoe – I lived for 20 years in the States and have double nationality – something I would not have done without the experience of seeing America as a progressive political country with values of individual freedom yet collective responsibility. Your manifesto does not address eco or animal welfare or green issues and it must – but apart from that I am in agreement with your liberal stance.

Barry Lynch

Peter Lynch – An Irish journalist ,(a former Marxist), Eoghan Harris, made the observation that Dean Jonathan Swift, was driven by the stupidity of the Whigs, into the arms of the Tories. He was making the point that many of us are having the same expereience in relation to the indiffernece of many on the Left to abuse of power by non European tyrants. While Rwanda is repeated in Darfur, there appears to be little voice in the West to defend universal human rights. Keep up the good work in advocating the universality of rights against the cultural relativists.

Robin Lynn

Jeff Lyon

Kelly Lyon

Kitty Lyons

Roger Lyons

Bruce Lyth

Yves Lévesque – In the fog of the war against all forms of prejudice, the reactionnary forces of the Right have often managed to confuse their real intentions by adhering to some of the principles mentionned in this Manifesto. But I find very refreshing the fact that you do not stop only at them to signal their shortcomings, but also at some elements of the Left, who sometimes are apologetic to some of their idols for their abuses. The text of the Manifesto has the immense merit to synchronize all the watches around the same ideals, regardless of who is wearing them.