Euston Manifesto Signatories: B

Kisan B

Bill Baar – This is the left’s last hope.

X Baaronson

Harriet Baber – Why I signed: Because we liberals need to take back the Enlightenment and stop acting as apologists for regimes that violate its fundamental principles; because we should support individual rights rather than group rights and stop acting as apologists for cultures that oppress people who live in them; because the central values of liberalism as I understand it are human rights and the promotion of economic wellbeing through the establishment of a welfare state–not peace, non-interference in the business of sovereign nations or respect for other cultures.

Steven Back

Shoshi Bacon

Philip Badger – I signed because I feel that while the ideologies of the old left look increasingly out of date, often deeply sectarian and, at times, chavanistic it is clear that we are not in a post-ideological era but in need of a form of ideological renewal. The left needs to recapture the concept of liberty from the right and base our demands for social justice on an argument that such justice is the essential foundation for individuals to attain their full development as human beings.

Dennis Baert – For a very long time now we have seen how the Right has come to dismantle the social market system and has tried to pose as the defender of the ordinary citizen. In the meanwhile the self-declared Left has failed to challenge this state of affairs and has been hijacked by a gang of Arafat admirers who have no problems to put aside the most basic of principles to get along with islamists. That is why we,now more then ever, have to reaffirm traditional social democratic values.

Ray Bagley

Chris Bagshaw – Seems like a step in the right direction to me.

Daniel Bailey

Joe Bailey

Mark Bailey

Christopher Baker – In support of a statement that recognizes the following: the best reaction to conflict among principles is to maintain respect for both, rather than embrace one and throw away the other.

Edgardo Balduccio

Richard Bale

Corbett Ball

Kevin Ball – It’s something of a relief to know a real democratic Left still exists out there that has no truck with jihadists or other low-life. Lets all get pushing the Manifesto in our unions and party branches.

Matthew Ball

Joe Ballantyne

Tim Ballew – Because the document summarizes my own beliefs nicely. I only wish that the leadership of the US Democratic Party would embrace the vision of this document. If they did, I believe a clear progressive majority would emerge.

Stephen Balmer – I believe that the Euston Manifesto is a rational basis on which to rejuvenate a cause that has compromised itself in recent years by aligning itself with thoroughly illiberal nationalist and theocratic movements, based solely on a mutual antipathy to to the West and America in particular. I appreciate the clear rejection of anti-Americanism and a timely warning about the resurgence of anti-Semitism in the West. I appreciate the emphasis on openness and historical truth evidenced in articles 11 and 12 and the clear restatement of fundamental human rights and equality.

Alison Bancroft

Chas Banks – Two words: Common Sense. That’s what I got from this document when I read it.

Tim Banks

John Bargh

Stanley Barkan (Bub) – I am thanfful for the initiative and for the opportunity of finding a large number of people who share my belief in a straightforward, liberal and rational appoach to politics. I believe there are many more of us in the world than one imagines. I don’t think all of them would class themselves as “Left” despite their agreement with all stated tenets. I hope that Norman will have the manifesto translated and published in Hebrew. Then, if I may be so bold, perhaps a concise version, published in relevant (English and foreign language) channels, might appeal to and sign up many more sympathisers, especially among those who suffer from the very injustices described, not just their spokesmen and other intellectuals. One minor quibble. I believe the short section on religion lacks a balance whereby the right of individual worship is explicitly acknowledged prior to defending the right to criticize, where that worship affects the lives of others. Apropos the previous paragraph.

Neri Barletti

Jeff Barnes

Karen Barnes

Gerry Barnett – As a long-standing fully paid up liberal leftist I have been consigned to despondency because of the open support of many other (so-called) leftists for movements and regimes that ought to be anathema to them. (They certainly are to me). We often read that the traditional Muslim needs to make their voice heard against the fanatics that would enslave them as well as the non-Muslim, and I feel this is what needs to happen amongst Socialists and others on the left. The support and outright advocacy of some on the left for Islamists and other facistic theocrats, who carry out the judicial murder of homosexuals, relagate women to chattels and celebrate mass murder of innocents is shameful. This manifesto is a small breath of fresh air in a fetid atmosphere of hate-fuelled bigotry.

Murray Baron – I do not consider myself a “leftist”, especially when it comes to economic policy, as to me that is the essence of left vs. right. I like to think of myself as liberal with somewhat conservative economic views. However, except for some of the maifesto’s stated economic statements re the World Bank, IMF, etc.., I fully support the essence of this project. The knee-jerk reaction of the left toward Israel, Jews and America have completely detracted from any credibility the left may have had in my mind, even with regard to some of their social policy. Frankly I do not see the core of this manifesto as leftist. I see it as sane. And therefore I am happy to lend my name and support.

Giorgio Baroncelli

Adrian Barr

Melody Barron – I was raised by rational liberals, those with Left views but a realistic view of the world. I feel little solidarity with the majority of the Left nowadays who seem to be making excuses for fundamentalists in the name of “multi-culturalism”. The only thing I do not tolerate is intolerance and this manifesto shows the progressive views I’ve held since I was an adolescent.

Celso Barros – The kidnapping of leftists by primitive, reactionary forces of fundamentalism and ethnic prejudice (anti-semitism and anti-americanism included) is one of the biggest tragedies of our times. Right now, when a large part of my native Latin America is governed by leftist presidents, the democratic left desperately needs the ethical benchmarks of the Manifesto to distance itself from the likes of Chávez.

Kevin Barry

PeeJay Bartlett

Adria Bartolich

Clark Barwick

Karen Baston

Alex Bateman

Nicol Batra – I believe in positive change, the potential of self-starting movements and collective, open debate. Moreover, the narrowness of the current UK political spectrum and party politics in general has made me turn towards other avenues. I’m not a blogger (at the moment) but would be interested in finding out more about EM and attending an event.

Marc Battle – I signed because I have been tired of the same rhetoric coming from the ‘old’ left. But I am hesitant giving my full support to the Euston Manifesto because it does not repudiate violence – I have yet to find any example in the world where war = peace. Too bad the Euston Manifesto wasn’t completely progressive and will probably sound ‘old’ pretty soon. But it is a good beginning for dialogue.

Fraser Battye

Jonathan Baxter

Frederick Beal – I have put my signature to this manifesto, because I believe in certain basic, although apparently, easily neglected things such as human dignity, solidarity with the oppressed, personal freedom and justice for all. Only a staunch antitotalitarianism based on truly democratic and universalist humanistic values can accomplish these things. For a long time now, I have been searching for something along the lines of this manifesto. This is why I welcome it with open arms. Finally there is a force for good, where like-minded people can unite and hopefully start pulling things in the right direction.

John Beal – I can only echo what my son has said about this admirable initiative of yours. It is surely a telling sign of these threatening times when an organisation has to be formed to reiterate that “we take all of these truths to be self-evident”. All power to your elbow. John Beal

Richard Bean – Sick of the “Left” supporting militant Islam.

Nick Beaugié – I think we should have a clear idea of who are friends are (despite their faults!) and who we should not want to be associated with.

Alain Beaulieu

Michael Beaumont

Jean-michel Beaux – Principalement en résistance aux sentiments anti-américain, anti-israélien et anti démocratique faisant toujours la part belle aux tyrannies dans leurs critiques, commentaires ou autres manifestations, sentiments bien trop cummunément réparti dans nos sociétés.

Brian P. N. Beaven – I have been looking for a voice to articulate my perspective on current political and philosophical issues that challenge our generation for some time, with increasing frustration over the dominant perspectives that are defining a discourse characterized by philosophical relativism gone mad. I find that the Euston Manifesto articulates — better than anything else that I have seen — both my fundamental philosophical values and my reservations about the direction in which the public debate on Iraq and Islamist-fascist terrorism has been artificially constructed to condone anti-democratic and racist goals. I have always identified myself as a man of the left, though perhaps a somewhat curious blend of social democrat, liberal and social conservative, and I welcome the effort to root the debate on the Global issues of our time in fundamental universal values that rejects the self serving relativism of post-modernist delusionists. I thank the originators of this manifesto for their inspiration, vision, wisdom and initiative. (almost, but not quite even makes me see some value in “blogs”).

Jonathan Beckman

Juan Luis Bedia

The Rev. John M. Beebe

Norman Beeke – Because I straddle the liberal/conservative divide: still a liberal at heart, but a conservative in my brain. There must be a third way that respects democracy but encourages individual responsibility; is against racism but also against tyranny. I don’t agree with every word, but I’m not one to let the perfect be the enemy of the good.

Matthew Begbie – I am a lefty from Canada and I signed the manifesto for several reasons. 1. I opposed the war in Iraq but I am also troubled by the insurgency. The international community needs to support the democratic transformation of Iraqi society. Iraq should not be left to twist in the wind simply to spite the Bush administration. 2. Anti-Americanism is bad and merely weakens progressives in that country. Americans are kind, friendly and generous people. 3. Greater trade amongst nations favours peace, security and development. This is the lesson of the EU that anti-globalizers ignore. 4. The left must stop ignoring the flagrant human rights abuses committed by populist regimes in the developing world.

Michael Beggs

Siobhan Begley

Arne Behrensen – because I am fed up by leftists cooperating with Islamists. An international alliance of leftists opposed to Islamism, Antizionism and Antiamericanism but in favour of universal values is long overdue. Check

Yehuda Beinin – The last best hope.

Brad Belchamber

Haydn Belfield – After reading about the manifesto in a number of newspapers I found the site and read it. I have been in a state of despair over the lack of political activism or well-publiscised free ideas and ideals and see in this Manifesto and Group an opportunity to use the huge and linked power of the blogosphere to bring about truer and more representative politics.

Yaniv Belhassen

James Bell

Jeffrey Bell

Matthew Bell

Paul Bell – Religion is a form of imperialism, subjugating people to the prejudices of fear and hatred. The left and in particular the Labour Party has forgotten the real point of being, namely the eradication of poverty and the need for a secular society where religion is not a cultural force, but one of mere personal conscience. Otherwise our society will resemble ever more closely the Orwellian world of 1984.

Marvin Belsky,MD

Gideon Benari – Because you make sense

Simy Benarroch – the Euston Manifiesto states clearly the reasons for the flop on traditional politics.Signing it, means for me, urging a new approach on those matters.Thats why I belong to a group in Barcelona opposed to nationalist politics implemented in Catalonia and in Spain today. We are about to create a new political party, based upon principles similar to those expounded in the Euston Manifesto. We believe it is of the utmost importance that people across Europe who share these viewpoints come together and make an effort to promote sound and rational political agendas.

Alex Bender

Enea Benedetto

Roberto Benfatto

Austin Benjamin

Bonnie Bennett – Change is desperately needed.

Carl Bennett

Dave Bennett

Hugh Bennett

Iain Bennett – The Euston Manifesto restates, for me, the factors that differentiate socialism from other forms of political thought. It is neither self-interested nor utopian, but a practical ideology that embraces pluralism whilst maintaining a firm ethical and moral compass. It supports the equality of opportunity and freedom for every single person, irrespective of origin, status or belief. Just as significantly, it allows for dissent amongst people who are in agreement across a wide front of opinions that share the same moral and ethical basis without promoting factionalism and without falling prey to the fallacy that ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend.’.

Mark Bennett – Marc Cooper’s blog is one of a few I click into and read. He referred to the Manifesto and I read it. We’re so in need of a reimagined enlightenment, ideas and principles to live by and defend. THANKS!

Oliver Bennett

Paul Bennett

Ophelia Benson

David Berger – Today’s Left has no principles. It is characterized (I won’t say “governed”) by an extreme cultural, moral, and epistemic relativism, coupled with a kneejerk support for the underdog. I’m proud to call myself a liberal, but I’m sick of seeing the movement represented by people who value equality over liberty, reject science as a way of knowing, won’t support free speech unless they agree with its content, won’t stand up to thugs and terrorists (the Mohammed cartoon “controversy” was the last straw for me), and impose a ridiculous double standard on America and Israel with respect to their records on civil rights and civil liberties. It’s nice to know that I’m not alone.

Gaby Berger

Stephen Berghoff

David Berkley – You have articulated what as a life-long liberal social democrat I strongly feel. However hard it is for people like ourselves to face up to it, there is a strong illiberal tendency within parts of the Arab and Islamic world which cannot be left unchallenged. Its absorption into the UK is unthinkable and has to be faced down. Whilst criticism of the Israeli Government and its policies is an entirely legitimate activity anti-Semitic epithets and age old prejudice are not redeemable by a cynical replacement of “Zionists” for “Jews”. It is time to win the war of ideas and for the broad left to promote the cause of the western liberal democratic tradition and to spread light where there is darkness and recognise bigotry and fascism wherever it emerges even when it alligned with liberation and anti-imperialist movements.

Carmen Berlin

Paul Berman

Rechavia Berman – Because its about time someone put into words the non-dogmatic values of progressives everywhere.

Oscar Bermejo

Walter Bernardone

Andrew Bernhardt – Between the pernicious ranting of the right and the morally blind, smug, self satisfied sloganeering of much of the Western left I felt my voice and those of others like me has been drowned out. I want to support an inclusive, honest, self appraising political movement that acknowledges the roots of, say, terrorism – in all its forms – while not absolving iteslf of the awful responsibility of dealing with it. Oh yes, and neither the left nor the right make good jokes.

Eduardo Berrizbeitia

Jane Berry

Matthew Bertrand

Jamison Beuerman

John Bew

Olivier Bialais

Fabian Biancardi

Mark Bicknell

Klaus Bietz

Alex Bigham

Miriam (Ingrid) Binder

Steffen Binder – Much needed new perspective for the left/liberals to deal with tough new realities.

David Birenbaum

Sean Birnie – I am signing your manifesto because I believe democracy to be in great peril. The greatest danger comes not from the extremists who hate us. Our enemy is within ourselves and is characterised by a knee-jerk cynicism, masquerading as sophisticated political acumen, which sees no value in our society and supports any force or idea which could damage or destroy us. The unspoken, unexplained, unquestioned and irrational assumption seem to be that the only barrier between humanity and eutopia is the western “system”. Despite the fact that the relative peace, prosperity and freedom experienced in democratic nations is obviously the closest to eutopia that mankind has ever come. I’m very afraid that we’re not going to survive this time. But I for one will not surrender without resisting. I’m happy to help in any way I can.

Kathryn Bishop

Alan Bissett

Jackie Black

Mik Black – Out of desperation, frustration and disgust with this muddled clot of hypocritical, sinister, self-righteous, confused twits who have get almost everything back-to-front in their quest for recognition. I can never stand with these people; their honesty and integrity have been compromised forever. As if socialism hadn’t been sullied enough, what I shall call the ‘Galloway Mind-set’ are seemingly actively looking to destroy it forever – and it isn’t theirs to destroy.

Rachael Black

Stephen Black

Gary Blackburn – Hi, I’ve signed because I cannot see a more pressing need in the world today, than to resist, if necessary through armed intervention, the mass abuse of human rights by a collection of people deserving of the label – ‘fascist’. I’m also bored stiff with the biased and one-dimensional reporting and commentary which dominates the media and welcome any forum which can re-balance the deabte. I am a market researcher about to attempt a career change into academia.

Pete Blackwell – With slight reservations on minor points. The general philosophy of the manifesto, with which I heartily agree, is blindingly obvious to anyone with an Orwell volume on the bookshelf. What a sign of the times that someone actually had to spell it out. I’m glad that you did.

Theo Blackwell

Ken Blady

Norman Blake

Lloyd Blakeley

David Blanar – The clearest expression of my values and beliefs, a document I can – and will – proudly support.

Floriane Blanc

Michelle Blanchard – I stand behind the principles stated in this manifesto. The authors of this manifesto are progressives in the true sense of the word. There can be no room for compromise on the basic issue of human rights, you are either for human rights, or you are against them. You can not pick and choose amongst the governments of the world and make exceptions for those governments that do not protect their citizen’s rights because you think that they are giving George Bush what for and you admire them for it. I am often frustrated by the hypocrisy of the left in America in not upholding it’s own basic principles. The left holds Americans to the highest standards but makes exceptions for the rank brutality of many third world dictators and dooms millions of third world citizens to lives of abject misery. This manifesto reestablishes the highest principles of the left cleary and succinctly.

Javier Blanco García-Lomas

Joaquín Jesús Blanco García-Lomas

Gonzalo Blanco Villa

Dj Bland – Good luck with it all, we like your principles so we’d like to stay in touch.

Greg Blattner – I am excited to be a part of an organization of people who thoughfully take on issues head on with a realistic stance. This group believe in principles of liberal democracy not only in spirit, but in practice – without betraying their core beliefs to political arm wrenching. I am hopeful this group will in due time gain broad public attention, helping to pull together even minded individuals and cut through the muck of confusion of our time. This broad consensus of like minds can then usher in the greatest century this earth has ever known!

Chris Blenkarn

Susana Bleuer

James E. Blevins

Gerald Blick

Jeremy Block

Simon Bloomfield – I co-signed the Euston Manifesto for the simple reason that it reflects my personal political outlook. In recent years I have become increasingly disenchanted with certain streams of left wing viewpoint and I find the content and underlying philosophy of the Manifesto to be the valid and pragmatic set of principles that I have ever encountered.

Ralf Blume

Andy Boardman

Robert Boardman

Ana Bodin

Steven Bogden

Michael Bogomolov

Ádriaan Boiten – Thank you for this new liberalism!

Susie Bolchover

Luca Boldrini

Franco Bolelli

Joe Bolser

Vic Bolton – I spent my first week at work in the US taking Oregonians (Portlanders to be precise) on tours of the Capitol. They were liberal, well-informed and interesting: I enjoyed meeting them and admired their engagement. But they talked to me more about Iraq than the magnificent history of political and ideological thought embodied in the building. The Euston Manifesto explains why this made me feel so sad. Of course, it does a lot more than that, but that’s the thing on my mind this evening.

Israel Bonan

Aaron Bonar

Stuart Bonar

Kevin Bonavia – To be on the Left in politics is to support and stand up for the most needy among us. As an internationalist too, I do not believe that that principle ends at any border. Our common humanity overrides all claimed authority – when a so-called sovereign state engages in the deliberate killing of its own people, it loses both its right to govern and any claim to impunity for such crimes.

Michael Bond

Pamela Bone

Mathilde Bonnefoy

David Boothroyd

Lorenzo Boriosi

Bob Borsley

Cristiano Bosco

Terence Bottrill – It is very encouraging to see that people are coming together to provide a new focus and renewed emphasis on society at its largest and our collective responsibility for its welfare. It is well past the time when governments and international agencies who have been concentrating on the “bottom line” should be redirected to looking after those on the “bottom rung”. Greater good would come from a return to the foundations of modern, social, society – as it would with a return to true science – as compared with the isolationist agenda of the elites and the bogus pseudo-science that has been thrust upon the world by those with a reactionary agenda based in mythology and the control of public thinking through the banner of religion.

Leonard Bouchet

Stephen Boudreau

John Boughton

Jerry Boulware

Jean-Francois Bourgeois – I totally agree

George Bouza – I believe we are in a struggle of ideas, and I believe that freedom and democracy will win out, but only if we stay true to those ideals and don’t institutionalize torture and throw away civil liberties. We cannot become what we fight. The US should be that shining city on a hill for the world. Granted we are imperfect humans, Abu Grab type behaviors will happen. But that doesn’t mean we should excuse it, or even worse, codify it into our laws for future generations.

Luis Bouza-Brey – I am a Political Science Spanish Professor that have been writing about this with the same spirit for the last four years. I hope we can redress the course of left thinking.

Jeremy Bowers – By recent standards of Right and Left, I have found myself coming down more on the Right. But it is not because I disagree with the now-highly-theoretical ideals of the Left; I want to stand with the downtrodden, I want to support real Social Justice, I want peace, freedom, and equality of opportunity for all. But I will not stand with a group of people who talk this talk while walking in the exact opposite direction; in practice and in action in favor of tyranny, anti-Semitism, and anti-Democratic movements of all kinds. I hope to see this Manifesto return the Left to the great virtues that made such great progress in the 20th century in the United States, and not the current “Leftist” movement that is downright traitorous to its original causes.

Lisa Bowes – I signed the Manifesto simply because I support and agree with all of the points made within. I am impressed by the application of common sense, directness, spirit, and sense of community established by what is written here.

Andrew Bowie

Greg Bowman – Because it is the first manifesto that has aligned closely to my fledgling political beliefs.

Arran Boyd – It is my belief that Britain has politically stagnated since 1997(possibly as far back as 1990), with little or no distinction between New Labour and the Conservative parliamentary parties. As a result we now see a culture of apathy towards politics, with people no longer wishing to engage with any kind of political debate. Far too many people are still fighting battles that happened in the past, whether they have won these battles or not. British Democracy now rapidly runs out of steam, rendered impotent by both politicians and we the members of the public. How long will it be before we start to let slip away are basic rights and freedoms? Now is time to set new agenda’s for the future, new manifestos, new polices for a changing world. Basic human right s are being ignored everywhere and a culture of apathy quells us from questioning what is happening. I singed because I want to take part in the future of Britain, one where all creed’s, gender’s and beliefs are respected and open for all to see. I singed because I know that everyone shares a responsibility for what is happening, and each one of us is the solution.

Cath Boylan – A clear dividing line needs to be drawn between those who support hard-won democratic rights and freedoms and those who want totalitarian theocracies enforced by violence and repression. Couldn’t agree more that many liberals, attacking the democratic shortcomings of the US/UK, seem almost keen to support the far greater failings of determinedly tyrannical regimes.

Richard Boyle – Because I feel it’s the right thing to do.

Stephen Boyle

Oggy Boytchev

Ivo Bozic – i’m an editor of the german weekly newspaper Jungle World. i don’t agree with each sentence of the manifesto and i don’t believe, it’s possible to be left without talking about the economical system. but i think this manifesto is a big chance to build an international network of left, progessive people working against (as well “left”) antizionism, antisemitism, nationalism and the growing antiimperialistic and islmastic alliance. perhaps this could be a network to find people around the world who are interesting in a new left wing in opposition to the totalitary rollback in the left movement.

Jonathan Bracey Gibbon – I have been staggered over the past two years at the number of intelligent, aware individuals whose irrational anti-Americanism has blinded them to any balanced, factual argument with regard to foreign policy, and the Iraq war in particular. The confidence they have in the morality of their position never takes into consideration the consequences of their self-indulgence. When pushed, they admit Iraq would be better off under Saddam and his psychotic heirs than under a democratic framework. They’d deny the Iraqi people a shot at democracy if it meant Bush got a bloody nose, and see morality in that position. The same people refuse to face the hard facts relating to African clientism, nuclear power and the consequences of logical debate into the realities of multi-culturalism and the human nature.

Peter Bracken

Rick Braden

Jen Bradford

Nina Bradford – Following a thoroughly stimulating 3 years studying International Relations, I have found myself somewhat disengaged from contemporary world affairs. I have the passion of ideas but have begun to lose the voice and capacity to translate these into a meaningful dialogue. I therefore look towards the Euston Manifesto inorder to engage with the world once again.

Gerard Bradley – I am hard Left on economic issues – I especially appreciated the section on equality in the Manifesto. Over the last 15 years or so, I have become very uncomfortable with the Left denunciation of Israel and indulgence for dictators like Saddam and even Milosevic. Noam Chomsky does not speak for me. The Left echo chamber like Democracy Now radio, DSA, and the Nation in the US will not welcome the Euston Manifesto. I hope that Dissent, at least, will step forward.

Steven Bradley

Zoe Brain – I’m a neo-con. I differ in details and methods from many on the Left, but not in the goals, aims and aspirations. To implement Roosevelt’s Four Freedoms and the Atlantic Charter. How could I not sign?

Guido Branca – In a society that has fouhgt hard to become democratic it is shameful that such a common sensical statement has become necessary.

Alessandro Brandoni

Hans Branscheidt

Thomas Brashler

Wouter Brasse

Thomas Braun

Jose Antonio Bravo Mateu

David Breeden – writer

Michael Brennan

Patrick Brennan – At last, a movement of the Left that is prepared to stand up for the freedoms our ancestors and comrades died for. The rest of the so-called progressive movement should be ashamed of themselves. The fact that they persist in their self-righteous posturing in the face of the greatest threat to civilisation since 1939 is an utter disgrace. Their embrace of the islamo-fascist enemy is to their eternal shame. Their complete lack of self-awareness is even more pathetic than the idiots who appeased the dictators in the 1930s. The Euston manifesto is the first step to restoring some honour to the progressive cause.

Thomas Breslin – I Believe!

Bryan Bresnahan – Rationalism, secularism, liberty and democracy are the bedrock of free societies. The only manner to protect and expand basic human rights is to stand united in support of these ideals and show utter disapprobation to those that would compromise them for an unjust accommodation with the most retrograde theocratic totalitarianism.

Daniel Brett – I was against the Iraq War. But I find myself more at odds with those elements of the West that condone or even support terrorism and religiously-inspired ideologies akin to fascism, whether it is the glorification of terrorist violence in Iraq and Israel/Palestine or the sympathies for despotic regimes such as the one in Iran. The notion that your enemy’s enemy is worthy of support lacks any moral basis when applied to such movements and regimes, which are opposed to everything the left stands for: liberty, equality and social justice. So, I welcome the Euston Manifesto as a new rallying point for the principled left.

Alex Brewer – To support the thinking Left in opposing the actual forces of hatred and reactionary ideology, of whatever supposed stripe, currently at work in the world today. To debate and campaign for democratic pluralism where it is so threatened, or is suppressed.

Matthew Briddell

Massimo Brignolo

Barry Britsman – As a lifelong politically active progressive who has lived in both Canada and Israel, I have felt for some time that the left has lost its way, with totalitarian groupies setting the agenda far too often. I remain committed to the ideals of the left, and I do not wish to see the field abandoned to those who would ally us with religious fundamentalists and others who threaten our core values. I am pleased to see that some brave souls have taken it upon themselves to reinvigorate progressive politics in a sane, logically coherent and thoughtful way.

Dr. Mark Brittingham – The loss of true Progressive voices over the last 25 years has hollowed out our political dialog and led to crass, self-serving partisanship. I applaud Norm and Nick’s efforts to re-establish an honest and vital dialog about the political foundations necessary for liberating the human spirit, building a true national and world community and improving our material well-being.

Patricia Britton

Brian Brivati

Ken Brociner

Danny Broderick – I am surrounded by friends and co-workers who would consider themselves left-liberal progressives. For five years I have been alone in my circles in defending our government and the USA in its attempts to assist the broad forces of democracy in Iraq and the wider Middle East. Iraqi socialists, progressives, democrats, free-speechers, free-press supporters, women’s rights supporters and the rest have stated over and again how much they want us to stay and help them establish a rule of law under democratic principles in their country. Yet my colleagues offer tacit and sometimes outright support for fascistic theocrats against them. And these are not pacifists, but supporters of war against the USA. I have argued and fallen out and had to learn to hold my tongue. I am very happy to find this manifesto and am happy to sign up.

Patricio Brodsky – I’m a leftist intellectual who has a look very similar to this manifiest and I’m persuade of the necesity of a more right world but we must fight the infantil point of view in the left (manicheism simplistic)

Richard Bronstein – I do not believe in a crazy Looking Glass World where a word can mean what I want it to mean, nothing more and nothing less. I think fundamental concepts, such as democracy, equality, human rights, pluralism, sustainable development are definable and verifiable. I think liberal democracies have come part of the way in meeting these goals and that we must be clear about the next stages of our evolution. I don’t believe that because I live a middle class life in Canada as a Jew that I am to blame for every ill on the planet, or that I embrace democratic freedoms solely to benefit myself and to screw someone else. I believe it is my duty to speak truth to power and power today is in the hands of nihilists of all political stripes.

Michael Brooks – The Manifesto encapsulates many of the hopes I have for a better human future.

Rev Jennifer Brooks

Joaquín Brotons – In Spain, many people claim for the same purpose. Indeed, first in Catalonia, in response to the new nationalist Status for the region, we are creating a new political party against it. You can read about it:

Chris Brown – The willingness of so many people to discount the threat from terrorism and Islamo-fascism, and to reduce the complexities of contemporary world politics to a facile anti-Americanism stands in the way of a genuinely progressive politics – and the rise of a left-wing version of anti-Semitism is even more disturbing. In my discipline, International Relations, a marriage of convenience unites Chomskyan radicals and old-style right-wing ‘realists’ in opposition to an internationalism willing to act in support of universal values – and indifference to genocide is the end-result. Let’s hope the Manifesto is a first step towards changing the intellectual atmosphere.

Ed Brown – Since around the turn of the millennium I have become uncomfortably aware that substantial segments of the Left have started to harbour sympathies with certain hard-right, despotic, theocratic and generally murderous and brutal movements and regimes. These sympathies seem to manifest themselves through two main ideas. Firstly, that anything perceived as anti-imperialist, anti-consumerist or, more generally, anti-American or anti-Western is to be excused or even supported. Secondly, that, due to a tendency for tacit cultural and moral relativism, it would be arrogant and/or imperialist to oppose such movements and regimes. These are both ideas I find objectionable. I have signed the Euston Manifesto as it echoes my thoughts and concerns in this area most faithfully.

Houston Brown – As an agreement to the Euston Manifesto and to the growth of humanity’s vision for the 21st century.

Iain Brown

Jeremy Brown – On the morning of September 11, 2001, the awful force of what was being reported on my office radio overwhelmed my stubborn leftist capacity for ideological rationalization. My first instinct was to try to reduce the horror by finding in my memory some core leftist principle that would explain what was ‘really’ going on. I found that most of my leftist comrades were advancing theories — variations on blaming the mass murder of 9/11 on American imperialism — that struck me as shockingly naive and offensively callous. I felt abandoned in a time of crisis by the leftist culture that I had always seen as heroic in times of historical catastrophe. I don’t know what I’d have done without the wisdom of my wife, the writing of Christopher Hitchens, and the blogs I began reading. I am delighted to now see a statement of core left/liberal principles that is once again relevant and truly progressive within the context of the world at present. This manifesto contains the clarity I was searching for on 9/11 and I’m honored to add my name to it.

John Brown

Lee Brown

Mike Brown – You sound like today’s conservative that was previously a liberal. Welcome

David Brown (Brownie) – I told you we needed a steering committee…

Sudro Brown II – It’s time for a new way of thinking. It’s time for believers in true democracy and freedom to join the political dialogue and make our voices heard. We’ve waited on the sidelines too long, letting others guide policy away from our core constitutional values. It’s time.

Damian Browne – Disgusted by hearing voices justifying tyranny, injustice, racism, slavery, the repression of women (and homosexuals, and disabled people, and “others-who-are-different-from me”) by invoking cultural relativism. Brought to a head by hearing a friend say that we shouldn’t “impose democracy on people who don’t want it”.

Tom Browne – nBravo! At last a unequivocal political statement that unites all my principles. The Manifesto may well be a statement of the obvious, but it seems that the obvious needs to be stated more and more these days. Surely this is a document that all progressives must support.

Tim Bruce – Lamentable lack of vision from the left, viz: the Today programme, during the 2004 Athens Olympics: J Humphreys:” George Galloway, describe life on board Uday Hussein’s yacht in the Olympic Harbour?” GG:” Sorry, didn’t catch that, bit of a din from the dock gates- a few thousand Iraqi exiles…no worries, Athens riot police are on top of things” JH : ” and that knocking sound?” GG : ” oh, just some athletes relaxing below after losing their races. Uday says he’ll let them go once we put out to sea” Meanwhile in Baghdad, Saddam makes hay with the collapse of sanctions, reassembling his dispersed WMD programme, refining his role as Saviour and Protector of Islam, with his new best friend Al Zarqawi. I was once constituency Membership Secretary for the LibDems. No more. The left in the UK, and the anti-war brigade, make me weep. When I left school in 1968, anti-war was a given. Now, there is a miserable lack of vision and coherent thought. The Lib Dems rode out on the policy of preventing Liberal Democracy being enabled in Iraq. The logic of the left is “bring back Saddam”…

Jo Bruder – I signed, because i`m sick of artificial communitiy-building, Leitkultur, latent anti-judaism, racism and gender-discrimination legitimated through biological and cultural reasons. I can`t relax in Deutschland!

Jonathan Brummitt

Robert Brunson

Francois Brutsch

Luigi Bruzzone

Ben Bryant – I signed the Euston Manifesto for a multitude of reasons. To put it simply, and to avoid simply re-writing the points of the document with less eloquence, I read the Euston Manifesto and could not disagree with a single point contained within it.

Ken Bryant

Cameron Bryden

Gregory Budzban – For too long, those of us who feel that true social justice and Western democratic values are not mutually exclusive have had no political movement with which to identify. What has passed for political reasoning on the left over the last forty years is simplistic beyond belief. It is this intellectual laziness, and not some “vast right-wing conspiracy”, that has led us to the incompetence of the Bush era in the US. It is my hope that this movement will lead to new insights and a deeper understanding of the core political principles that generate freedom and social justice.

Seth Bules – I took particular interest in signing this after reading the sections Opposing anti-Americanism, Freedom of Ideas and Open Source. I believe it is important to recognize the radical change which the creation of the United States of America meant and continues to represent. All nations have their flaws, the U.S. included, however, the U.S. constitution represents the first time in history that many of the most profound ideas of the Enlightenment were institutionalized. The U.S. has by no means sunk so low that this should be forgotten. I have also been sickened by the capitulation of many on the left to the fascist idea that “Thou Shalt Not Offend” (as represented by the Dutch cartoon fiasco). Finally, it is of the upmost importance to me, as an artist, that ideas and art continue to be free. There is a rich tradition, as old as art itself, of appropriating the art of others for the creation of new art. Where would we be today if we could not repeat and elaborate upon the ideas of the past? Art is ideas.

Glenn Bullard

Peter Bullen

Matthew Burchell

Julie Burchill – Because I believe in democracy for all – not just for white people, as the opponents of the war in Iraq appear to.

Sarah Burge

Paul Burgin – Because I believe that the Centre left needs to reaffirm it’s values and where it agrees with other moderates, and to stand for human dignity in the face of the disturbing rise of the far-left and far-right.

Steve Burnley

Ryan Burrell

Andrew Burridge

Daniel Burston – I signed (in a personal capacity) because I am deeply dismayed by the deepening anti-Semitism of the Left, and the manfiest irrationality of the widening scope of Leftist apologetics for theocratic, sexist and homophobic groups and their leaders.

Jonathan Burston

Marino Busdachin

Oliver Bussell

Jan Bussey

Martin Butcher – There is a need for a progressive analysis of global security issues that doesn’t begin with American hating, and recognises that sometimes we have to fight to defend ourselves – in the tradition of the International Brigades and the 1940s fight against fascism. This Manifesto seems a realistic place to start.

Emma Byrne – I signed the Euston Manifesto because I pasionately believe that the voice of progressive democracy has been sidelined by an increasingly vociferous hysteria that threatens to undermine human rights and democracy throughout the world.

Patricia Rice Byrne