Euston Manifesto Signatories: I

Frank Habets

Andrew Hagmark-Cooper

Myles Hainsworth – I signed because I believe that public debate over some of the most pressing issues of our time (terrorism, human rights, globalisation) has been constrained by ideology: arguments made and positions taken are too often determined by the orthodoxy of the Left or Right. Stubbornly toeing the ideological line, no matter what, leads inevitably to ludicrous and dangerous inconsitencies and hypocrisies on both sides. What is needed is intellectual honesty, a willingness to pursue the truth wherever it may lead, even if it is across ideological/political ‘enemy’ lines. It is better to occasionally find oneself with strange bedfellows than to preach always with the same choir.

Justin Hall – Trapped in a never-ending process of state suppression, horrific poverty, and shocking military, cultural and social defeats, the average Muslim living in the Middle East has nothing else. Corrupt governments ensure the stability of their own regimes by financing their own secret police and military while turning a blind eye to radical mullahs: they justify the corrupt regime, and the regime will turn a blind eye to their fundamentalist, revolutionary rhetoric. The result? An oppressed people whose only outlet is religion, which becomes radicalized to conform to the population’s own radicalism. Religion becomes a solution, the only solution in a society that offers little else. It becomes the only remaining alternative to failed democracy, failed socialism, failed fascism and failed monarchy. A panacea for withering economic growth, state-sponsored suppression and, to a great extent, humility in the face of a powerful, rich and functioning democracy in the form of Israel and American influence on the policies on Middle Eastern regimes. It is imperative that we approach this complex, explosive issue through a bipartisan, unified front. It is only through productive dialogue from opposing parties that we can arrive at a clear, practical solution that addresses the fundamental reasons for terrorism.

Linda Hall

Mary-Patricia Hall

Nick Hallam

Andrew Halper

Michael Halsey Jr.

Elizabeth Hamilton

Fabian Hamilton – I agree with the manifesto and its forward looking principles. I am especially impressed with its embrace of freedom and its rejection of racism and anti-semitism. The points made about the growing respectability of anti-Zionism are especially important.

James Hamilton – The Euston Manifesto is a long, long overdue restatement of internationalism and universal human rights. These things are have dwindled into talking points for comfortable people in safe places; they must become once again a shield against human suffering and a weapon against those who would inflict it. The monument to volunteers in the Spanish Civil War on London’s South Bank stands as a reminder that we once understood this, here in the United Kingdom. The Euston Manifesto shows that we have not, all of us, entirely, forgotten.

Tom Hamilton

Julian Hamm – As The Usual Suspects has it: “If you want to be in power you don’t need money or guns or even people. You just need the will to do what the other guy won’t.” The Left seems to have lost the will, not just to fight for what it believes in, but even to apply their fundamental principles in an impartial and self-consistent way. I think it is vital that we explicitly state that behaviour that would be villified in our own society should be equally villified in others. The liberal democratic project is perhaps mankind’s single greatest cultural achievement, bringing countless benefits to millions. It is not a zero-sum game. We are not democratic at the expense of others. But others are totalitarian to the cost of all. This is a profound and important document and I welcome it without reservation.

David Hammer

Lauren Hammer – I signed to contribute my voice to a wave of commitment to basic human values, which I believe I and the left must defend and support in our world of increasing corporate, government, and individual greed.

Richard Hammond – In the spirit of compromise (there are always going to be areas of reasonable disagreement and that should be welcomed), this is the best ditillation of most of the principles of progressivism that I ascribe to and which have, in many cases, been obscured in the rhetoric of partisanship in this country (America) and which should be adopted as a clear response to anyone who asks the question, “What is (or should be) liberalism/progressivism.” Well done.

Mark Hammonds

David Hancock

James Handley

Richard Handley

Joseph Hanke – I agree with everything in the document. I wish more other people did.

Brian Hanley

Ameen Hannoun

Joanne Hanrahan

Jeffrey Hansen

Jon Anta B. Hansen

Billa Harari

Simon Hardeman – I am fed up with lies, incompetence, greed and short-termism. We need a new movement with a coherent, yet not dogmatic, ideology. And it needs to be fun, too, to get noticed.

Matt Hardin – The Manifesto represents the most positive statement I have seen from the left in a while. The reflex anti-West sentiment deployed by the most vocal of “the left”, has discredited any resistance to the policies of the conservatives who no longer govern for the benefit of the people but for the benefit of capital. This has left the field wide open for erosion of civil liberties in our democracies, loss of hard-fought working and social conditions and a resurgence of oppression in the name of religion. Any statement of belief that explicitly denies oppression wherever it is found (on the left or the right) and supports freedom for all (rich or poor) as a basic right not as an extended privilege is a welcome rallying cry that will show what the left stands for not merely what it rejects.

Mary Harding

Tim Harding – How refreshing! I heartily endorse The Euston Manifesto. For most of my life I had some sympathy towards ‘left of centre’ politics. But 9/11 was my epiphany. What shocked me was not only the terrorist atrocities, but the morally bankrupt attempts by leading leftist spokesmen to excuse the inexcusable. I found myself strongly agreeing with people like Christopher Hitchens and being repulsed by people like Noam Chomsky, Ward Churchill and George Galloway.

Imogen Hardy – Because political debate in this country is fast becoming a shrieking match over irrelevancies at a time when we are in desperate need of clear thinking on vital issues.

John Hardy – I signed because I agree, and because I feel that religiosity is a creeping menace to a free, just, liberal and liberated society which needs to be countered rather than tolerated because of political correctness

Stephen Hare

Siddhartha Haria

Sean Harkin

Robert Harlow – Emotionally, I would like to see blood in the streets. Rationally, as with the Manifesto, I am committed to tough diplomacy and when that fails, regime change. Culturally, I am a consenting citizen of a successful country whose default position is Red Tory. The Manifesto is that in spades. Finally, let there to be (so to speak) blood in the steets until we are rid of the unthinking, confused, sentimental, egregious soft left. I sense that the Manifesto is dedicated to this project. Therefore, I sign

Craig Harper

Frank Harr – I sign this, but not without reservations. I do not know what social and economic justice are and I suspect their supporters. I am not sure of the program for genome research that is put forth. I also have developed an increasingly jaundiced view of the Palestinians and how they deal with things in the last ten years. However, I am a Liberal, and I know the importance of ideals even if they are unattainable. I also know the difference between liberating a country and not doing very well and letting it die under its own dictators. I appreciate this document, even with those segments that I agree with less than wholly, and feel that even if I can’t get behind all of its articles, I can get behind its supporters. Thank you. It has been a long time to be lonely as a Liberal who was for the Afghan and Iraqi wars and a long time to be without support on the question of terrorism.

Shirley Harrington

Ben Harris

Chris Harris

Kim Harris

Matthew Harris – As a Liberal Democrat who wholeheartedly embraces the values embodied in the Euston Manifesto, I applaud this initiative. It is absolutely vital that liberals and progressives are encouraged to support this agenda and to oppose the dangerous nonsense that is routinely spouted on the Left of British politics today.

Michael Harris – This is the finest expression of my global outlook in print. We must be aware of globalization and its challenges. We must intervene to protect the rights of our brothers and sisters. Our world does not stop at Dover – we are internationalists not little Englanders.

Tom Harris – For too long the anti-war movement has been getting away with labelling everyone who supported intervention in Iraq as a “neoconservative”. I’m grateful to those who drafted the Euston Manifesto for recognising an obvious truth that has so far been obscured: that sometimes, military action can be justified on human rights grounds even if – God forbid – it’s supported by America!

Bernard Harrison – I just came across your group, through the Euston Manifesto having been mentioned in a recent article in the New Republic by my friend Alvin Rosenfeld. I have read your manifesto, find it extremely refreshing, and am happy to add my name to it. As a retired academic in his mid-70’s, living outside London, I’m not sure that I can be of much practical help to you. Many of the political stances you favour, however, are espoused, and maybe even advanced, in my recent book “The Resurgence of Anti-Semitism: Jews, Israel and Liberal Opinion” Rowman and Littlefield, Inc., Lanham, NY, &c. (2006). If that book should prove of any interest or use to you, so much the better.

Tony Harrison – In the words of Faulkner, “indifference is the essence of inhumanity.”

Mick Hartley

Thomas Hartney

Gary HARTSTEIN – Restating the fundamental principles upon which liberals and democrats can agree has, unfortunately, become terribly important. The polarisation of our politics, indeed of our entire social discourse, has so deeply affected the CONTENT of our social and political thought, that it was time for a new declaration of the ideas underpinning our strengths as a society. The elegance and simplicity of the Manifesto are almost moving.

Yannick Hartstein – The Cold War proved that only a strong and professed attachment to fundamental values (shared with some on the Right) could lead to victory against totalitarian forces. If we are to fight against the undercurrents of and rootcauses of terrorism and violence, as well as new forms of authoritarianism, we must renew that pledge to robustly defend what we believe in – and never fail to say so critically.

Bryan Harvey

Simon Harvey – It’s inspiring to see a return to a solid Left ideal rooted in basic liberal values and clear thinking, and not so mired in confused identity politics and kneejerk cynicism that we lose control of our own vision.

Matthew Harwood – I signed because the Euston Manifesto is no less than the Common Sense of the 21st century. With clarity and concision, it captures all the principles I have held dear since college. If there is going to be a Left, it must be democratic and egalitarian. The Euston Manifesto understands this and has given the Left a new ethos to rally around. Thank you.

Will Harwood

Dani Haski – I have always thought of myself as left leaning but over the last few years I have been increasingly distressed by statements from so-called left groups aligning themselves with anti-democratic, anti-semitic and anti-egalatarian organisations and regimes. Even here in Australia, the land of the “Fair Go”, I have been confronted with erroneous propaganda dressed up as fact, which blames America for its own woes yet dismisses genuine debate on the nuances of international foriegn policy. Enough is enough. This manifesto gets back to basics. It articulates principle which should be self evident to any genuine democrat and I hope we can harness the power of the internet to create ‘a new internationalism’ which inspires all of us to embrace our diversity and fulfil our potential, no matter where we live.

Simon Hass

Harry Hatchet

Lance Haworth – I’m a proud Center-Right Liberal Secular Democrat from a Northern mill town and this political manifesto is the first i have read and agreed with every principle of it.

Richard Hayes

Adrian Hayter

Mark Hayward – I sign this as an ordinary British citizen and amateur historian committed to reason and rationality, exasperated by the tide of anti democratic, superstitious and downright murderous claptrap, which we all are supposed to accept and never criticise. The free world must speak out against the suppression of the individual in the name of irrational ideologies such as religion, communism, new age mysticism, homeopathy, what ever. Which seem to be preferred by the modern “left” to liberal democracy, which for all its failings is still the most perfect form of governance yet devised by humans. Every day I meet idiots who spout slogans rather than reason and would prefer to be run by the Taliban than the wonder that is a liberal parliament. I am distraught at creping creationism in British and American schools and the espousal of irrational twaddle by ill-educated and un-elected fools personified by the next monarch of the UK. I am appalled at the tolerance of China’s oppressive oligarchy and the abhorrent regimes in charge, even in loosely allied nations in the Middle East. The left has gone off the proverbial rails and this manifesto is a breath of fresh air.

Ben Haywood

Cory Hazlehurst

Tom Head – I have felt isolated from many U.S. liberal circles in the wake of 9/11. I am particularly offended by: – The resurgence of the word “Zionism,” and the marginally antisemitic “Israel Lobby” language that I have encountered on the far Left ; – The sudden lack of interest in liberal circles in human rights abuses abroad, most notably the Darfur genocide ; – A disturbingly cynical and anti-intellectual undercurrent in liberalism that rejects all self-criticism and other reflection of independent thought ; – The bizarre doctrine of “Sovereignty,” by which the Taliban was supposed to be an acceptable government, with which we should not intervene, simply because it was in control of a nation ; – The tendency of many of my fellow liberals to exploit xenophobia whenever they feel it to be in their best interests, represented most recently by some of the language that came out of the response to the Dubai port deal ; – Senseless bigotry directed against conservative Christians and Jews, coupled with senseless fawning directed at far more conservative Muslim leaders abroad ; and – The irrational hatred of _all_ Republicans, and the complete and ill-advised merger of liberalism and Democratic partisanship. I wholeheartedly sign the Euston Manifesto; I am proud to do it. Please put my name at the bottom of your public list.

Dominic Heaney

Aaron Heath – Since Iraq, which I opposed on strategic grounds (not ideological ones), I have become increasingly despondent with much of the left. The left has always been a coalition of moderates, Marxists, liberals, and greens. However the rabid anti-Americanism, in much of the current leftist discourse, clouds any serious comparison between misguided democracies and totalitarian tyrannies. There is one-single element of the manifesto I would challenge: – ‘unembarrassed to claim that the Iraq war was fought on behalf of Jewish interests…’ Which seems to be an affront to the commitment to free enquiry. The motives for the invasion of Iraq were numerous, and to condemn as heresy, the interests of Israel, as a reason for American intervention, is intellectually bankrupt. This theory is not anti-Semitic, and to dismiss it as such is contrary to free enquiry. This is not to suggest I concur with this view, but I feel to dismiss the theory outright, is not approaching the subject with an open-mind. Otherwise I can completely adhere to the founding principles of the document. And even as an economic, as well as social, libertarian, I believe this is a set of principles I can adopt as my own

Nicola Heaton

Philip Heaton – At last a point of view that is based on fundamental principles, recognises the complexity of a democratic and modern world, and stands up for values that are consistent and uncompromising.

James Heaver

Simon Hebditch – I believe in the principle of the “realignment of the left” – a position I have adhered to for years since being a Young Liberal activist in the 1960s. Of course, a huge amount has changed in the political environment but the concept that there is a constituency for real radicals in the labour movement and left leaning liberals is central to my political philosophy. I see the work around the Euston manifesto as a way to reinforce the need for a new progressive politics which also picks up on the principles of democracy and internationalism – with human rights at the centre.

Martin Hebert – At last, here is a compendium of statements and concepts which articulates nearly all of my political thinking of the last few years. I heartily endorse all of the ideas presented herein, as I understand them.

Steven Heindl

Mark Heinlein – This Manifesto is the most coherent, understandable, respectful summation of my beliefs that I have ever seen. Thank you!

Volker Heins

Michael Heiser – I couldn’t agree with your manifesto more, as a liberal who has been supporting the Bush adminstration’s prosecution of the war on terror.

Thomas Hemsley – Because i believe their proposals are the best way forward.

David Hemy

Elad Hen

Blake A. Hendricks – The Kurds deserve justice and freedom, just as everyone else in the world does. I’m against many of America’s economic policies, but bringing down fascist dictators is a policy I can support.Socialists should never support fascist, despotic, or theocratic regimes. Never.

Michael Hendricks – If I don’t stand for something, I stand for nothing. The Manifesto crystalizes what I have thought for a long time. I sign as an opportunity to stand up and say so.

Chris Henjum – It’s amazing how 1960s polarization alienated so many of my fellow signatories. I grew up with a competent, moderate Democrat as President. Many of his followers, however, thought being a centrist meant you couldn’t state a position without a pollster at your side. Now that Dean has made Democratic partisanship okay again, more Dems can actually speak their mind. I believe most would say that US involvement abroad is vital to world interests, as long as we seek true coalitions, hold our leaders accountable and listen to our military and intelligence. My liberal beliefs compel me to support peace and democracies everywhere. George W-style rhetoric is only half the battle; our country desperately needs George HW-style diplomacy and competency. The Euston manifesto is a perfect articulation of my hope for the future.

David Henshaw – I’m not a natural joiner of organizations or signer of petitions, but it struck me recently that almost every film we are making at the moment is either directly or obliquely to do with the assault on the Enlightenment. The President of the USA awaits the Rapture. The President of Iran awaits the imminent return of the 12th Imam. God help us all.

John Hensler

Randall Hensley – Because it’s what’s right.

Judith Herbers

Steve Hercher

Jeffrey Herf

David Herman

Brian Hermon – I am 21 years old and a liberal. Since the Iraq War I have found it increasingly difficult to politically identify myself with my friends. I find it tough to interpret what it means to be a “liberal” or “left wing” anymore. Do my values of social progression and social justice clash with my belief that democracy should be pursued in Iraq? Am I not on the Left if I am not anti-American? For my friends the promotion of democracy or “liberal internationalism” is simply a euphemism for a new imperialist order. I disagreed, and still disagree, with the American justification for war in Iraq. But the war happened. The West is now entangled in Iraq, and we owe it to the Iraqi people to help them have a chance at peace. I found this manifesto to be brave in challenging “Leftish” impostors while offering an olive branch to those who seek to advance liberal values.

Ramon Hernandez


Manuel Hernández

José Hernández Prado – These are my viewpoints and I thought I was alone in the world. Wonderful!

Juan A. Hervada – I agree with the manifesto and I have recently re-read Orwerll…

Prof. Susannah Heschel

Andreas Hess – Living and working in Dublin (as a German citizen) I am astonished and saddened to see how over the last few years the left/liberal spectrum in Ireland has increasingly become anti-American. This is strange in a country that was once one of the most pro-American countries in the EU. I can only hope that plenty of Irish (and of course German) citizens will sign the Manifesto. A Europe that wants to sever ties with the U.S. is not a Europe I want to live in. Any attempt at breaking transatlantic relations should be resisted. This is why I think that the Euston Manifesto is a timely call for change.

Simon Hewitt-Horsman

Frankie Heywood – I am saddened and perplexed by the attitudes of many on the Left, including some of my dearest friends, regards the United States and Iraq. The anti-Americanism and hatred of Bush, when combined with Political Correctness, perverse forms of feminism, and general psychobabble, make for strange but deeply unpleasant and reactionary forms of thinking, which many on the Left seem to enjoy indulging themselves in. I welcome the formation of an alternative (? movement)which engages in rational discussion focussing on the defence of democratic and open societies, and which challenges the emotivism and sloppy thinking which is all too dominant at present.

Andrew Hick

Jane Hickman

Jason Hickmott

Justin Hidalgo

Chris Higgins

Robert Higgins

Victoria Hiley – I signed up because I think it’s vital that movements like this have my support: it’s one thing to criticise the Stopper left, quite another to be active in opposing them.

Andy Hill

Ronnie Hill

Barbara Hilliard – In the face of the Bush/Blair/Howard mindless invasion of Iraq and other continuing physical verbal and economic aggressive behaviours, any chance to stand up and be counted in the name of liberal democratic humanitarian ethical standards is to be grasped with both hands.

Bill Hilton – Because George Orwell never dies 🙂

Simon Hinde

Alison Hird

David Hirsh

Barbara Hirst

Christian Hirst – I am a PhD student at the University of Queensland, Australia. I am researching changes to Australian foreign and defence policies post-september 11. As a progressive democrat my instincts, post-9/11, have been to broadly support the direction of Australian, US and British foreign/defence policy. Many of my friends and colleagues are confused by my support for the US-led wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. I am glad that I am not alone (although, working in academia, it does feel like that sometimes!).

Marko Attila Hoare

Quintin Hoare

Joseph M. Hochstein

Brendan Hodges – I have spent the whole of my adult (and adolescent!) life fighting racism and now find myself at odds with many former comrades on the left who have apparently taken leave of their senses by supporting (or appeasing) Islamist terror and oppression. Lets hope that we can build a broad movement dedicated to confronting oppression and totalitarianism in all its forms – political and theocratic.

Paul Hodgson

Roland Hodson

Julie Hoffman – There is very little in the manifesto that I take great exception to and much that I agree with even though I would not define myself as a member of the Left (or the Right). It is necessary to say that Democracy, the rule of law, seperation of Religion and State, and the Pursuit of Happiness may be flawed but they are better for more people than any other alternative. If we waste time tearing each other apart on the side issues, we deserve the chaos and misery that can bring. I especially appreciate the historical perspective on the role of the United States in the great experiment that is the growing democratization of the world. We are not a perfect Nation, but our government is set up to self correct and I believe that it will. In addition I agree that Acts of Terrorism against civilians are unacceptable. Period. Now if we could only get everyone to pay attention to our effect on the environment…

Michael Hogan – I think it is an excellent foundational document – a declaration of principles couched in the context of today. I have signed so that I may contribute in whatever small way to making this a true manifesto – a reclamation of the Left (and of my own sanity and self-respect along the way).

David Hogg

Adam Holland

Vicky Hollander

Ed Holloway – Because it is time to stand up and be counted

Lisa Holman

David Holmes – A movement to counter the disgraceful activities and beliefs of those who call themselves ‘the left’ is long overdue. I believe the Euston Manifesto is well posied to reclaim that ground and I wholeheartedly support its principles – “I didn’t leave the left, it left me”.

John Nicholas Holmes – I have followed Nick Cohen’s thinking in the Observer since he started, and I find the Chomsky/Galloway/SWP posturing and moral relativism nauseating. The knee-jerk Anti-Americanism of a lot of the left is bad-tempered nonsense. I did protest against the Vietnam war in the 60s – but I think it is wrong to say that what we are doing in Iraq is the same. The multi-cultural relativism extends into my professional field of youth work, where, say, domestic violence is looked on differently, if it occours in different cultures. All power to your elbow

KNeil Holmes – Primarily because I am upset by so-called liberal consensus that terrorism is the understandible consequence of America and Britains foreign policy .Also I am meeting increasing amounts of people with blatant anti-semetic views dressed up as anti-zionism .

Hanne Holtet

Graham Holtham – I am just a rank and file Labour party and union member and was inspired to read and sign after reading Nick Cohens book “Whats Left”….this reflected and clarified to me the discomfort I felt listening to some views expressed on the Left.Like Mr Cohen I regard many of the views expressed in liberal publications as nothing to do with Left views as I know it…Tragically in some ways the so called Right wing better reflects the views of the average Labour member and voter here on Tyneside.I agree with every word of this manifesto and wish to express my support (for what its worth). I particularly agree with your stance not to be seen as zealots and your acceptance that not everything the right has to say is wrong…it is the duty of all democrtas to accept valid arguments,no matter the source.It is just tragic that the “new left seems to have nothing admirable or principled to say anymore.

Paul Gerard Holzapfel – To affirm the universal rights of humanity and to continue to stive for a society where liberty and justice are the pillars of the ideal.

Patrick Homes

Mike Homfray – I was opposed to the Iraq war because I felt that not enough attempt had been made to seek international agreement. I was, and remain, concerned as to the policies of the current US government. However, the progress of the anti-war movement, with its seemingly uncritical support for fundamentalist Islam and unwillingness to make any criticisms at all of anything classed as ‘third world’ leaves a lot to be desired.

James Hood – This document has helped me crystallize my thoughts regarding the State of the Left. This approach is internally consistent and does not favour one group over another. It is time for the Euston Manifesto.

Brian J Hook

Jeffrey Hook – I became a member of a left wing political organization because I wanted to change the world and make things better for humanity. But all I have found on the left so far are reactionaries, hypocrites, elitists, and conservatives. I ask myself, “Where are we going”? I never seem to get a proper reply from these people. Its time for a new direction for humanity, for progress, and enlightenment. The only way this can be achieved is through solidarity. The only place I have found these things so far is in this Manifesto. Thank you, and lets keep up the struggle.

John Hopkins – At a social event with friends I was disturbed by the casual nature of anti-American sentiment and when I elected not to let the remarks pass unchallenged I was surprised and disappointed to be labelled pro-American. No-one can ignore the mistakes made by the US, the UK, or many other democratic countries. But it would be wrong to stay silent when the rights conferred on us all by those societies result in a torrent of self-hatred and a desire to excuse or applaud regimes where genuine abuses are common-place because they espouse anti-American sentiments. The inclination to take sides rather than engage in robust debate with the acknowledgment of error on both sides drives us further into extremism – the real enemy of us all.

Bob Hora

Peter Horne – to register my support for the manifesto’s aims and to register my disgust at the left’s unwillingness to stand up for the basic human rights of ordinary people everywhere.

David Hornsby – This Manifesto gives me hope. Hope for a better world.

Larry Horse – Great organizing tool. It succinctly explains all the reasons that I emphatically voted against Bush, and why all of us who supported the war must call for Rumsfeld’s retirement so that we can save the noble mission in Iraq.

Simon Hotchkiss

Hermine Houchmand

Kenneth Houston

William Houze

Will Howard – I want to be associated with a politics that thinks. The manifesto is a thoughtful approach to issues, and though I don’t agree with absolutely every point it makes, I think the approach is a healthy one.

Ysabel Howard – I am a student of Voltaire and a Taoist with Marxist roots extending back into the C19th. The current prissy, irrational, authoritarian, freedom-hating excuses for the Left are frankly dismaying. The cuddling-up to theocrats and misogynists is appalling. Where I come from the Left is atheist and feminist. I like the post-Enlightenment, post-Marx, post-Woodstock modern world and have no desire to be dragged back into the C12th under a government to whom the abolition of Parliament is conceivable; the Legislative and Regulatory Reform Bill freaked me. ‘We the people’ are the sole source of power in a democracy not the passive and obedient recipients of what our masters dole out to us. Isn’t there something about power in the hands of the many not the few?

Jim Howe – To support a stand against irrational and superstitious ideas and attitudes about science, politics, ethics, and economics. To support a stand in favour of rational, ethical open discussion and sharing of expertise, knowledge and resources in our finite world.

Matthew Howe – I am a staunch American libertarian. While there are several items in the manifesato I take issue with, on the whole I find it a document of enormous import and, more crucially, common sense. I have often found myself disagreeing with the “left” in both America and across the world, but until recently, I have always found myself respecting them. That respect was mostly lost in the current and apalling orgy of mud-slinging that has become political dialogue from the “left.” I found the Euston Manifeso a long overdue antidote to this amazingly irresponsible “scorched earth” approach to politics. While we may disagree on certain issues now, and certainly will in the future, you have earned my profound thanks for attempting to restore political debate to what it should be – an open and frank exchange on the issues, for courageously acknowledging liberalisms failings over the decades, and for restoring what has always been the most important aspect of “liberalism” – the desire to bring freedom and justice to all the people’s of the world.

Joshua Howes

Simon Howson

Jonathan Hoyle – I think this is a major step forward for those who support genuinely progressive politics in the UK. The Left has become bogged down in the politics of Israel and US bashing for too long and has lost sight of the causes it used to fight so passionately for. For example, workers’ rights, tolerance of race, sex, ethnicity and sexuality. Globalisation presents many challenges to those on all sides of the political spectrum. It must not be naively dismissed as a capitalist tool but welcomed as a force for good that can pull workers out of poverty. It’s negative consequences of pay inequality must be managed intelligently and carefully.

Michael Hudson

David Huff

Erika Hughes

Geraint Hughes – I served in Iraq, and saw men and women in uniform do more to help its people than all the clowns, scumbags and creeps in RESPECT, SWP and other alphabet soup movements will ever achieve in their lives. Nothing more to be said.

Paul Hullock

Jenni Hulse

Sebastian Huluban

Blair Humphrey

Peter Humphries

Christopher Hunt

Mark Hunt

Kezban Hussein

Martin Hutchison

Tony Hutchison

Cliff Hyatt

Jeremy Hyde

A.J. Hyman – I am proud to say that I am a social democrat. To the depths of my heart, I believe fully in the sanctity of the individual and the protection of human society, and the absolute human and civil rights that each of us should enjoy! I believe all of you feel the same way. However, for a long time, I have felt betrayed, disgusted, and isolated by a terrible trend which, in my opinion, has seen social democracy corrupted by racists and fascists who have co-opted the rhetoric and organizations of social consciousness for their own malignant agendas. IMHO, much of the so-called “Left” has been hijacked by people who have no interest in advancing the “good”. But this manifesto, and the work of this group, now give me great hope!

Peter Hyman – I signed the Manifesto out of appreciation of finally finding a like minded group of thinkers that recognised that the ‘liberal left’ of politics had been captured by the ‘neo-stalinists’ of the extreme left. I was forced into the ‘right-wing’ of politics by default. A position I found un-comfortable to say the least but preferable to the rantings of the extreme left. Finally, I can return to the ‘liberal left’ and know that there are like minded people prepared to stand up and be counted as defenders of liberal democracy and social justice.

Carsten Hübner