Euston Manifesto Signatories: M

Adem Kader

Michael Kalin

Shelly Kamei – While I don’t agree with everything in the Manifesto, I believe it is a critical step in the right direction. It’s high time that people on both sides of the pond realized that criticizing our own shortcomings should not lead us to a place where we become apologists for terrorists and despots. I am an American who was born in a Red state and now live in a Blue state and so I find the divisive rhetoric of political opportunists on both sides to be damaging to the core American values to which I subscribe. Similarly, I find the constant anti-Americanism and even the knee-jerk anti-Bushism to be damaging to the core values the West shares. Reasoned criticism of actions and not ad hominem attacks on individuals, governments or nations should be the basis of political discourse. To hold otherwise is to betray the very values that underpin our societies.

Oliver Kamm

Lisette Kampus

Paul Kane

Arno Kantelberg

Naäma Kaplan

Adam Karlin – Because human dignity and the rights of the individual trump the politics of identity, nationalism and revolution, even if those causes are rooted in justifiable past grievances. The City on a Hill that the Left strives for stems from great idealists, thinkers, and yes, prophets, who conceived a vision for the entire race. I will not deny that better life to millions for the sake of sensitivity. I sign this manifesto because I believe the greatest threat to the human condition is repression and ignorance, and while democracies are guilty of perpetuating these states, they are still by far the province of dictatorships, particularly theocratic regimes and political movements. And while I would call myself a man of faith, I arrived at that state through my own initiative, not indoctrination. The freedom to reach that understanding, by walking our own path, is one of the best ideals the Left stands for.

Rasmus Karlsson

Sam Karr

David Kates – As a Canadian Jew whose political beliefs are decidedly left-wing, I have frequently found myself at odds with my ideological cohorts over the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. I have grown increasingly frustrated by repeated calls for boycotts against Israel, equations made between Zionism and racism, and parallels made between Israel’s policies and those of the undeniably racist regime of Apartheid-era South Africa. I support Israel, and while I accept that Israel’s record on human rights is hardly flawless, I am tired of hearing one-sided condemnations against the Jewish state, as well as self-righteous justifications for appalling acts of terror that have been committed against Israeli citizens – assertions that are regularly made by so many outspoken individuals on the Left today. As someone who values the most basic ideals of democracy and who believes such ideals should be supported and nurtured wherever they may be found around the world, I am also deeply concerned about the left’s equivical, apologist’s stance towards undemocratic “leftist” regimes, both past and present. The time has come for a serious re-evaluation of what exactly the left considers its core values. I am deeply heartened by the Euston Manifesto and its attempt to re-assert the left’s commitment to the basic principles of respect for democracy and human rights – principles which the left has previously worked so hard, and so successfully, to promote.

Sunder Katwala

Jay Katz – i consider myself a progressive democrat/democratic socialist who supports all movements that aim at effecting social justice, equality, and peace between the world’s peoples. i fully support the goals and sentiments expressed in the manifesto.

Paul Katz

Jeff Kaufman

Josh Kaufman-Horner – The manifesto gives me much needed hope.

Lyonel Kaufmann – Je suis fondamentalement contre le recours à la force et à la violence pour faire passer des idées. Je me bats pour mes idées et non contre des personnes.

Angela Kaye

Susan Kaye

Oliver Kean

John Keating – All my views are in accord with this manifesto. They are not in accord with much that is on some university reading lists. This is a welcome part of study, I know. It is, however, tough when you are told in a tutorial by the tutor that everything you said was an oppressive meta-narrative.

Noelle Kebby

Edward Keene – I’ve waited a long time to find people who share my views. Without UN approval the invasion of Iraq was wrong and against the rule of law , but that does not justify the defence of the previous regime nor the support of anti-democratic murderous alternatives. Democracy, justice and freedom are paramount in all cases and at all times.

Christopher Keillor

Andrew Keir – at last – an organisation that bridges the gap between the two parties of hate. If citizens ignore politics, we will some day wake up – and realise that we have no rights and no country.

Jeanne Keith-Ferris – As an American with duel citizenship and living outside the US, I constantly have my ears filled with anti-American diatribes and Zionist conspiracies beliefs. It does not matter who we are or where we live, we all – as a family of man – share the same aspirations for our children and loved ones. The forces of blind hatred and prejudice seem to be mounting and finding ever wider platforms for disseminating their disinformation and twisting terrorism action as legitimate reaction to the west. This manifesto stands as a clear denunciation to these forces and provides a rational platform for true, critical dialogue which is essential for keeping democratic values healthy and alive. Thank you for your clear vision. I support this wholeheartedly

Michael Kellett

Mike Kellett – Tolerance and a sense of fair play ; essential to grown-up politics and prominent in the Euston Manifesto.

Alan Kellogg – I’m for freedom. I’m for everyone who is able to speak for himself, and wishes to, to have the right to speak out without fear. Let none be silenced because of their beliefs. Let none be silenced because they’re the wrong sort of people.

Lucy Kelly

Michael Kelly

Paul Kelsall

Roger Kemble

James Kennard

Amir Kennedy

D. Janelle Kennedy

Daniel Kennedy

LaVaune Kennedy

Shane Kennedy – I signed because I believe that this represents the “reasonable left”. Personally, I am progressive on social and cultural issues, whereas on the economic issues or when voting I fall on the right. But I also believe that the world would be better served by a strong left and a strong right. I believe that this document addresses the concerns I have always had with the left, namely the tendency to apologize for dictators, advocate a policy of non-fucntional “soft” power as solution, and oppose America regardless of context or consequences. I would be happy to work with and support left-leaning individuals of the nature decribed in the manifesto, even though I am right winger myself. No one should be afraid of an honest and rational opposition to their believes, and I think this is often forgotten by those who are blinded by achieving their own agenda or by partisan politics. The value of having an objective, honest discourse between the two sides is so important to democracy, that it trumps any partisan concerns. Finally, a renewal of the common assumptions made by the left is something everyone should support. I now have done so.

Gary Kent – Director, Labour Friends of Iraq (personal capacity)

Nathaniel Kent – It is all too easy to be beguiled by worldviews which do not admit for critical discourse. This document is a fundamentally liberal one which seeks to uphold essential principles of a free society and basic principles of human dignity. Rational people can disagree, and for too long elements of the Left (in particular, but not exclusively) have ignored this. A renewal of liberal values along the lines suggested in this document is an essential reaffirmation of everything that we as a society should stand for.

Michael Keo

Nick Kerber – The reason, I singed , the manifesto makes logical sense to me. In addition, igorance of people to deny things like, holocost, 9-11, and the death squads in El Salivor. Also, the distortions of historcial facts, yet facts are documented in papers, witnesses, photos, to show the devesation. The anti-semitic and anti-american, or even anti-China menality doesnt get us as humans further along to solving worlds probelms.

Oliver Kershaw

Jeffrey Ketland

James Ketteringham – I am a student at LSE, at LSE there is a unofficial coalition of those students who hold progressive attitudes, crossing many political parties. I believe that this model is a correct approach to left wing politics. Myself, I agree with the Euston Manifesto, although it is not an exhaustive explaination of my political opinions or principles. I wish to see the model of wide ranging consensus that i experience at the LSE expand to national politics aswell and I feel optomistic that there are others, as demonstrated through this manifesto, who share opions and positions that i hold.

Peter Kettle – Why sign this? Because its message is important, and especially so with intolerant fascistic forces in politics and religions. Islam, of course, is the worst offender; but we have to now include Hindu and Christian extremists, some political groupings on the right and left, single issue fanatics and, of course, George Galloway.

Dr Mohammed Khan – I believe in the left its principles and its beliefs.

Sriram Khe

Nadia Khouri – I like the line the Manifesto draws between the forces of the Left that remain true to its authentic values of democracy, human rights, equality, development for freedom, internationalism, and on the other hand the appalling turn some forces on the Left have taken against these values. I signed the Manifesto to denounce their pathological anti-Americanism, their sick love for the most brutally anti-democratic regimes, their scandalous indifference to the suffering of millions living under them, their repulsive apologies for suicide-murderers and terrorists, and their reactionary isolationism. I signed because I support quick humanitarian intervention when a “threshold of inhumanity” has been crossed. What took us so long to intervene in Iraq? What is taking us so long to intervene in Darfour?

Marie Kiciuk

Dr Michael Kidd – The overseas debt of the US, Australia & NZ (and some other western countries) has risen to an unsustainable level and yet during elections the parties fail to mention this millstone around ours, and our children and grandchildren’s necks. This silence disguises the sad loss of productive capacity particularly over the last decade, which has seen an emphasis on consumption and the loss of jobs in productive industries in the city and country. But our blind adherence to free trade should be countered by asking the same of our trading partners. Because of the high direct and indirect taxes and interest rates many firms have decided to outsource or move overseas. The answer is to make no further neo conservative changes/cuts to basic services. The west has drifted into a state where the traditional family has been abolished and the only hope held out for people is materialism and various forms of debauchery. Both left and right parties have promoted policies with these end effects over the last twenty years : and millions of children either through legal abortions or homelessness and family breakdown have been discarded since. This has lead to unenviable social statistics: although the west has the lowest official unemployment rate since the war, the real numbers of people, through disability, full time carers for fatherless children or unemployability, who have left the work force is over 50% higher than in 1985; we have many more people in full time custody.Unrestrained feminism has meant a family court system that has effectively removed equality before the law if you happen to be a father; it places no protection on the sacred institution of marriage and in my view, as a legal practitioner, actively encourages the split up in families. Overseas studies have shown fatherless families and the growth of crime are directly connected. Prosperity in many countries over the last twenty years has been underwritten by immigration, we must recognise immigrants, their qualifications, experience and their cultures, and not impose impossible residency provisions before they can get citizenship.

Trevor Kidd – This document perfectly echos my own sentiments, but does so far more eloquently and succinctly than I possibly could myself. It’s a relief to see that my views aren’t as unique as they appear to be when tested against such a stifling political climate as the one we must endure today. Finally, a confident step forward in social & political awareness rather than a out-of-control stumble backwards.

Sean Kidney

Kimberley Killen – Signing in the Margaret Mead tradition: hoping to be part of that small group of committed citizens. Universal literacy, democracy, pre-eminence of human rights, an open & responsible press, a committed citizenry … all that we need for a just, progressive world.

Chul Kim

Ted Kim

Irad Kimhi

Debbie Kimlin – Since the ‘war on terror’ began, particularly the Iraq war and the terror attack in London, I have seen my political ideals change. I started browsing the web-logs and found out a lot of my political ideas rather immature and not really based on facts. I always identified with the left but became uncomfortable when the stop the war coalition aligned itself with Muslim fundamentalists (making excuses for those committing atrocities) and other rather unsavoury persons with ideals that were blatantly opposed to what the left stands for. This manifesto states unequivocally everything I believe to be most important as a statement of my political ideals.

James Kimmitt

Simon Kinahan

Clive King

Michael Sidney King – I read the Christopher Hitchens article with great interest and mounting relief. As a Jew and a socialist, I have been wondering where the left is going with it’s support for highly dubious regimes and it’s blinkered statements. I too would like to see a free Palestine – free from Islamic fascism and free from corrupt exploitation. Perhaps then justice can be done for all. In the meantime more power to your elbow!

Richard King

Warwick King – I am a business owner who is centre left. I joined, donated to and campaigned for the Labour party just before the last election because I felt it was vital that Blair won. I have been feeling for a long while like a lone voice arguing with my friends who are mainly from the centre left about issues such as the Iraq war and how their total hatred of America and what they see as hypocritical western principals are blinding them to tyranny, fascism and attacks on liberal core values that are starting to scare me. It was after I read Nick Cohen’s book that I found out I was not alone and I could do something apart from argue at dinner parties. I am signing up to start engaging in that debate and hope to help causes such as yourself.

JoAnn Kingdon

Stephen Kingston – The main point of the EM, as I see it, could be boiled down to a question: ‘America – Y/N?’ Y. FY, even. I have always been pro-US, even in my leftiest phases at university, when I Attended Meetings and Went On Marches. (Incidentally, being pro-American in the 1990s meant being a defender of Bill Clinton. Republicans who today talk – rightly enough – about BDS, Bush Derangement Syndrome, should remember the time when lots of them succumbed to CDS.) I knew, even then, that the Yank-bashers were people who read or wrote books about the Cold War in which the words ‘Stalin’ or ‘Soviet Union’ barely featured, or if they did occur, it was only to assert moral equivalence. ME is a deeply misguided doctrine at best (for reasons too numerous to go into here, though the word ‘Stalin’ is a clue); at worst, when cynically deployed in order to paralyse action, it is evil. In effects, it has a curious similarity to the medical condition with the same acronym, myalgic encephalopathy or ‘yuppie flu’. It denotes lassitude, inexplicable feebleness, spiritual malaise. The EM is one of the antibodies, and the people who put it together deserve support and thanks.

Christian Kintner – because it’s the truth.

Anna Kipnis

Dom Kippin – Just finished Nic Cohen’s book and felt politically reinvigorated following a few years of disillusionment and apathy.

Hasan Kirmanoglu – I signed because this text reflects my point of view, i.e. “democracy is union in diversity, not unity in resemblence”…

Douglas Kirsner

David Kirtley

Reece Kirwin – The old ideological baggage of the Left must be shed if it is to become relevant for a future which is both uncertain and desperately in need of a political grouping which is philosophically truthful to itself. I have signed this document because The Euston Manfesto is an expression of my own political inclinations, insofar as it is a document which represents progessive ideas with integrity and honesty. RDK – 2006

Cathy Kiss – The left needs to redirect its energy. Looks like a good start.

Nicholas Kissen

Timothy Kistner

Zachary Klaas – “If the Left is right, the Right is wrong, better decide which side you’re on” goes the old slogan. For me, this slogan accords very well with the values of the authoritarian Left I have always opposed, rather than the left/liberal/progressive movement I wish to support, and which this manifesto project is helping to build. Logically, it does not follow that one’s opponents in a debate being wrong establishes one’s own rightness. I may well believe that the Right is wrong. But I also believe that today’s organised Left is wrong, in precisely the areas which this manifesto identifies. Furthermore, I believe there can be a left, a liberal and progressive left, which defends in a broad sense the historic values of the left while rejecting the authoritarian Left’s amoral and simplistic “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” logic.

Yehuda Klein

J. Olaf Kleist

Richard Klumker

Stan Knafler – I once opened a wardrobe door and walked through into a wonderful world. True, there was danger and evil but truth and goodness prevailed. I would like, for all of us, to walk through that door.

Wayne Knights

Adam Knowles – The Manifesto is a timely, thoughtful and suitably strong statement of many of my personal beliefs. I agree with every part of it (while I think some parts more important than others). Two particular aspects merit mention: Clause 10 is crucial: People should not accept offensive regimes with ‘what right do we have to tell them what to do?’. This is a misinterpretation of (otherwise laudable) pluralism and tolerance. I hope the Manifesto will help people to realise this. Clause 13 follows: we must retain our right to criticize bad ideas e.g. totalitarianism. This includes those within religion e.g. teaching children the Earth is 6000 years old. Such beliefs should not be protected by law. They need to defend themselves in the battle of ideas just like others. Finally: I’d like the Manifesto to include more detail on reform of the United Nations, ideally a desire to gain a global, democratic assembly. I hope the Manifesto goes far!

Michael Knowles – A breath of fresh air.

Yasmin Knowles-Weil – I’ve become disenchanted with so-called liberal and/or socialist organisations and groups which support the palestinian struggle for independence and freedom, as do i, but concurrently with the call for the destruction of the state of Israel, i.e. the right of one people for a free country whilst denying the right of another – an utterly fascistic standpoint, in my opinion. In addition, i agree with almost every aspect of the manifesto as a guide for humanity’s evolution. A start, at least.

Geirmund Knutsen

Terry Koch – Until the Euston Mainfesto, I felt as if my personal liberal beliefs were lost in a no-man’s-land between Chomsky and Dubya.

Lynne Koester

Daniel Kofman

David Kogan

León Konik

Sho Konno – This document, although not a revolutionary original pronouncement, expresses the exact sentiment I feel (often in frustration) with my classmates and my supposed ‘fellow’ liberals. I especially appreciate the openness to ‘the question of the best economic forms’ as I am a liberal who believes in dogma-less development, and I would not have wanted to be restricted from wholeheartedly supporting the main message of this Manifesto: Freedom and Truth aren’t out of date yet.

Jeffrey Kopstein

Jessica Kosmin

Arieh Kovler

Jeff Kramer

Matthew Kramer – I am not on the left of the political spectrum — I’m a Scoop Jackson Democrat — but I endorse all the main sentiments expressed in your manifesto.

Mardy Kranksy – How many people here have lost friends, because we just couldn’t sit at a dinner table where toasts were made to Osama Bin Laden? We felt we couldn’t speak out about the relative merits of liberating Iraq without our former friends thinking we were sell-outs, stupid or brainwashed. We felt uncomfortable having our principles endorsed by the ham-fisted Newscorp media, yet we would rather stand alongside a lampooned US President than a syncophantic perversion of our progressive ideals. We saw how the first world screwed the world trading system not just for the profits of corporations, but also to sustain welfare states and labour protectionism to keep their left wing constituencies happy. And there were even times we felt the foreboding attractiveness of the new right and wondered if we should be embracing the other side. Time to make new friends.

Martin Krauss

Meredith Kravitz

Mel Kreitzer – Optical designer and inventor

David Kretzmer

Mary Kreutzer

Leonard Kriegel – I signed because I find the Left moving closer and closer to emulating the dreadful appeasement policies of the 1930s. And I signed because I like what the Manifesto says.

Michael Krieger – I have signed because I believe the Manifesto professes a set of beliefs that I subscribe to and that I feel need to be explicated and dealt with openly and loudly in the public sphere; and because I feel too many on the so-called Left have abandoned these ideals in ways that are clearly and concisely explained in the Manifesto itself. Cheers for your work.

Vamsy Krishna

Harry Kroon

Daniel Kulla – Though it’s hard for me to agree with the entire manifesto, I sympathize with the debate it’s representing, that is, with the dismissal of plenty of left-wing illusions and hollow principles. So much thanks for this!

Adam Kuntz

Andres Kupfer

Katrin Kurik

Arlene Kushnir

Tom Kutsch

Aleksi Kuusisto

Martin Kuzmicki – Simply to express my support for a core and universalist belief that democracy and its attendant freedoms is something that needs to be supported and encouraged wherever its possibility appears in the world and to argue vociferously against the pernicious opinion that because it is being encouraged by the ‘West’ then it is somehow wrong, an imposition and unwelcome.

Sasha Kvakic