Euston Manifesto Signatories: P

George Packer – The New Yorker

Chittibabu Padavala

Cosmin Paduraru

Clinton Page – I first read about the Euston Manifesto in Hitchens’ piece in the Times Online. I think it’s a tremendously important document for progressives, in that it is a step toward claiming our inheritance from the Enlightenment, which we can never appreciate enough. Our values and our hopes for a peaceful future can no longer be made dilute by the non-standards of cultural relativism, which we apply all too often to those who would have no such patience with ourselves. The assertion that a society that values democracy, pluralism and secularism is superior to a totalitarian one is not tantamount to an imperialistic worldview; it is the only means to the the end of imperialism altogether.

Mary Page – This manifesto puts into words the concerns that I have had for some years now about the state of the so-called left in this country. Last year I spoke at Trades Union Congress in Brighton about the need to recognise that there are universal human rights which supercede religious doctrine, political dogma etc. I was warned that my modest contribution could be ‘dangerous’ !!!!! After a 30 year membership of the Labour Party I was expelled in 1995 for refusing to accept (as Labour Group Leader) the local Party ‘line’ on reorganisation of local government. I felt so strongly about this that I resigned and fought an election as an Independant candidate. I value political honesty above all else. Not an earth-shattering issue on which to take a stand but important to me. I am a mature gay woman, now living in Prague with my partner of 26 years. My view of politics is essentially Fabian -‘grow the plums then make the pie’.

Trevor Page – We need a politics that is moving forward in its thinking, and I believe that the Manifesto is step in that direction.

Piergiorgio Pagliaccia – I signed the manifesto because I am concerned about what’s happening in the world these days, because I’m studing to make myself a better man but overall I signed because I am a human being

Geoff Pahoff

Frank Paige

Carla Palacio

Robert Palk

Stuart Pallister

Alan Palmer – Because if something isn’t done to stop the insanity that is now gripping our politicians, I am going to join the ever growing numbers leaving. I already have an identity card, issued by the former South African regime, and when I see NU Labour passing laws that are far more extreme than they ever did, I just want to get out of here.

Keith Palmer

Nick Palmer – While I’m not sure that we would all agree on every word of the manifesto, let alone every other possible issue, this seems to me a very important intiative. The left has been in defensive mode ever since the end of the Cold War: we often see something to oppose, but there is a distinct shortage of coherent principles to support. The Manifesto seems to me an important step forward in the debate, and I’m signing it in that spirit. Nick Palmer MP (Lab, Broxtowe)

John Palubiski – I thought about this for several months, so my decision isn’t knee-jerk in nature. Why? Because for the past 25 years, or so, leftists have strayed from principles to such an extent that the opinions of many now resemble those coming from the denizens of the Far Right. This manifesto, I hope, will help put things back on track and will enable us, thus, to tame, soften and humanise the selfish, self-destructive and unbridled turbo-capitalism that’s fraying and unraveling our culture, our society and even our civilization. Finally, I hope the authors of this manifesto will have the the courage to “talk real” about unpleasant and uncomfortable subjects that desperately need to be addressed.

Alessandro Palumbo – I signed because I am tired of Italian old and conservative left and I believe in human dignity, freedom and justice for all, also for iraqi people, I signed because I am tired of the arrogance of old left and their obscurantism and I believe in honesty and intellectual rigour. Euston manifesto is a new way of thinking but for me is to hear a familiar voice: Carlo Rosselli and his socialismo liberale

Alec Papazian – Because I think it is important to stand up to Islamofascism abroad and religious facism in the form of the republican party at home

Roberto Davide Papini – It’s a good way to renew and to make stronger democrats and progressives in Europe. It’s time for a new Left

Chris Papp

Will Parbury

Andrea Parini

Amiel Pariser – In September 2002 I witnessed my first race riot.It was organized by student anarchists and Palestinian Human Rights “activists” protesting the appearance of Bibi Natanyahu at Concordia University.Though I am not a fan of this ex-prime minister,it was truly educational to observe these student zealots shouting “Kill the Jews”(in arabic),smashing windows and roughing up those who wanted to hear the speaker.It was clear that the discourse of liberation had been co-opted by a malignant combination of theocratic, racist (anti-semitic) groups who claimed the moral high ground. In the weeks following the riot, I noted how few academics had the internal fortitude to challenge the mob and its ringleaders who disingenuously invoked foundational principles such as freedom of speech (!), justice and equality while behaving like Klansmen.The signatories of the Euston Manifesto may have the necessary backbone and knowledge to give members of this unholy alliance-who are found on and off campus, a run for their money. I hope so.

Jonathan Parish – “What’s Left” by Nick Cohen fuelled my indignation but also inspired me and demonstrated, thankfully, that there were so many others who felt this way.

Gary Parker

Ian Parker

Malcolm Parker – Having found a link to your manifesto, I read through it and found that it concurred with my own thoughts and feelings.

Michael Parker – The ‘anti-war, pro-nothing’ Left’s abandonment of internationalist principles in Kosovo, Afghanistan and Iraq would be reason enough to create a group that proudly states its belief in universal human rights. However, the nauseating alliance that has been forged between these blustering nincompoops and the medievalists, fascists and Islamists actively fighting the forces of the democratic Iraqi left has surely made this manifesto more necessary than ever. The right to self-government, in both the personal and political spheres, must be defended.

Simon Parker

Jim Parkinson

Luis E Parra G

Andrew Parrington

Benjamin Partridge

David Partridge

Laigle Pascal

Earl Pascoe – The potential for progressive change is greater now that it has ever been in world history. Zapatero’s Spain is emblematic of this, and the Internet provides progressives with their perfect instrument. The left, however, is today too factious and unfocussed, and this quarrelsome divide allows anti-liberal, neoconservative and fundamentalist forces their chance to dominate. I see this happening in Canada and America, where conservative and incompetent governments in opposition to the thinking and interests of the majority of their citizens have won recent elections. I see this manifesto as an attempt to fix this liberal divide, to take back the higher ground. It is flag to which we can rally. So I give its creators my heartfelt thanks and gladly sign.

Rehan Pasha – I am the of Pakistani immigrant factory workers. My dad was a union shop-steward and the treachery of the left toward the Iraqi union movement saddens and infuriates me. I have been dismayed by the Left since its appeasement to Serbian fascism during the Bosnian and Kosovan Wars and felt like I was the only one untill I read Nick Cohen’s “What’s Left”. I was generally opposed to the invasion of Iraq because I thought it was a distraction from the main focus of the fight against fascism being waged in Afghanistan. Nonetheless I went on to serve in Iraq as a mobilised reservist in the British Army. I’d like to think our presence there would serve as some shelter for minorities (religious, ethnic & political), women and democrats, but fear the will and consensus required by our Government isn’t there and that we’ll do what we always do and settle for whichever ‘Strong Man’ offers the easiest peace. A truly wasted opportunity for the Left, progressives and the Iraqi people!

David Passafiume, Jr. – Though I registered as “independent” and have never identified with a political party, the manifesto puts my thoughts exactly into words. I agree completely but fear partisanship at least insofar as it is currently defined in our nation today.

Cindi Pastore

Dave Patterson

Henry Patterson – Those of us in Ireland who have experienced more than thirty years of left-wing apologetics for the ‘anti-imperialist’ atrocities committed by the IRA find it unsurprising that some of those who lionised Gerry Adams when the IRA was blowing up shoppers in London are now cosying up to reactionary fundamentalism.

Terri Pattinson

Thomas Pauli

Michael Pazich – I signed the manifesto to support the principles of freedom and democracy in the struggle against tyranny and religious terrorism. I share the belief that these principles transcend political and factional lines, and ought to be upheld by all thoughtful persons regardless of political affiliation.

David Peacock

Andrew Pearson

Epi Pedro San Jos̩ Orellana РParece como si me leyeran el pensamiento.

Bryan Peeler

Gordon Peffer – Sane approach to major issues.

Robert Pegg

Christopher Pegler – In October 2001 a letter of mine in The Independent, titled “Beware these diatribes against America”, highlighted the perverse, immoral reactions to a mass murder several weeks previously. I also tried to point out the complexity of global politics and the need for global governance and warned that we needed to eradicate Islamist terrorist groups. It triggered a frustrating debate with several on the left and libertarian right. This manifesto encompasses much of what I said then and have thought since. I have been fighting my own, lonely battle against what I call “bi-polarity disorder” where people have a strong opposing reaction to, say, the existence of Israel, or US foreign policy or the need for Trade Unions and then paint themselves into an irrational corner. Your manifesto is a progressive and overdue recognition of the world’s complexity.

Jacobo Pejsachowicz

Anton Pelinka – The manifesto is the necessary protest against ethno-nationalism and a most welcome cry for internationalism.

Eric Pelkey

Ratna Pelle

Roberto Penna – I share, word for word, Your Manifesto. I am not a progressive but a conservative. I believe however is a good for everybody that many progressive change a certain mentality. In my Country, Italy, a new Left is urgent more western and more liberal. Thanks!

Giovanni Perego – Because I think we need a new fresh political alignment in the left side of the world

Xavier Pericay – I belong to a group in Barcelona opposed to nationalist politics implemented in Catalonia and in Spain today. We are about to create a new political party, based upon principles similar to those expounded in the Euston Manifesto. We believe it is of the utmost importance that people across Europe who share these viewpoints come together and make an effort to promote sound and rational political agendas.

Terry Perkins – I signed the Euston Manifesto because it gives the Left a new and fresh platform to challenge the right from. I also believe the old left view, especially on international issues is bankrupt. It is simply not good enough to point to our own faults as a reason for sustaining tyrants. I also admire the toerence of others point of view. Many opinions, but united by a desire for greater universal equality.

Stephen Perpitch-Harvey

Michael Perry

Scott Perry

Tim Perry

Leo Peschanker

Lance Peterman – I am a liberal, and it is refreshing to see a group espouse what liberalism truly is and what it stands for.

Martin Peterson – The Euston Manifesto represents a most called for rally to critical debate and positive standpoints at a time when opportunistic insensitivity and a contempt for knowledge and intellectual probings have prevailed for too long. It inspires trust in the public sphere again.

Max Peterson

Mike Peterson

Wayne Peterson

Julia Petrakis

Derek Pettitt

Rory Petty – The left-wing has been hijacked by extremists, and I am a proud supporter of centrist thinking. Every item on the Manifesto chimes with me, and I fully support all efforts to try and promote the Euston Manifesto to a wider audience: good will only come from it.


Kristin Philips

Bernard Phillips

Bob Phillips – Good job, well done.

Chris Phillips

David Phillips – Because in these uncertain times, I want to be part of something that reflects both my feelings and opinions. I have never formally attached myself to any political stand point before and I am proud that this is the one I have chosen.

Dennis Phillips – I signed because it is time,in my opinion,for the views expressed in the manifesto be broadcast. It would be even better if they were acted upon by all free thinking peoples who are oppressed both politically and financially by their so called “leaders”. Until the peoples of the world do so then we all suffer in our own impotent way.

Neil Phillips – Sometimes it is necessary to restate basic principles. It is also necessary to treat each argument fully and fearlessly, without self-censorship because “Truth, thus held, is but one superstition the more”, (J S Mill).

WJ Phillips – The last days…

Robert Philpot

Terry Philpot

Roberto Piccoli – Basically the Manifesto is on the same wavelength as what I think the Left should be thinking, feeling, and doing. After all, if “even the obvious has now become revolutionary,” as Christopher Hitchens says, how could I not sign up such a revolutionary document?

David Pickering

Kenneth Pidcock

Anthony Piercy – The beliefs laid out in this manifesto strike a responsive chord in my heart. These principles have needed saying for far too long

Ben Piggot – Not perfect, but nothing ever is. But, to be sure, a good beginning.

Jon Pike

Stefano Pillitteri

Fabrizio Pilotti – A very interesting compendium of future direction for progressive politics.

Rob Pinfold – I signed this manifesto because I believe that the Left must meet the challenge of a globalised world in a much more coherant way. I was against the Iraq war, but now that our troops our there I can see that withdrawing our troops would create a hellish Vietnam-esque situation.Therefore, I pledge my full support to this manifesto.

Maxx Pinsky

Angela Pinter

Antonio Pintér – ’cause there is no left without a strong committment to the diffusion of freedom and democracy. Or at least there shouldn’t be.

Guillermo Piro

Jack Pitt-Brooke – I signed because it is a coherent and passionate declaration of principles which are under threat and also worth fighting for. It is a riposte to not only Islamofascists, but also to ‘left wing’ apologists and right wing racists and ‘realists’. As William Safire wrote: Today, the idealists are the real realists.

Nathan Pittman – The political arena in Australia is ridiculous, both of the major parties seem to be heading further to the right. The current government is supposedly pro-freedom and pro-democracy, however these two terms are both so loosely defined that the result is a restriction on my freedoms and my democracy. It’s time to effect change towards a more accepting and understanding society, that doesn’t discriminate based on race, gender, sexuality or otherwise; and also towards a society whose individuals are more conscious of the consequences of their actions.

Thomas Planquette – I do not understand how it is possible for the same political side to fight against Franco in 1936 spanish war and to fight against United-State in 2003 Iraki war. I do feel this like very dangerous for democracy, which is not a green plant growing naturaly, but an ideal to fight for ! Like a french, I feel realy like an exception to think like that and it worries me more ! Are they all going crazy in this country or what ? (Considering the french foreign politics still helping dictatures in Africa, I am so ashame !)

Antonio Polito – The Manifesto is a much needed effort to modernise the international left and to inject some liberalism in the international left. It is very welcome especially in Italy, where we are trying to literally refound the centre-left by setting up a new party, based on the same principles and called the Democratic Party.

Daniel Polwarth – I’m sick of people like George Galloway corrupting the political left. Appeasement is not an option.

Mori Ponsowy

Chris Pook – Our society needs a manifesto. It needs a constitution. It needs a standard to adhere to in all of its interpersonal dealings. This Manifesto provides that in simple, straightforward terms.

Aziz Poonawalla – This is what I’ve been waiting for, for a long time. It is a new democratic progressive alliance – committed to intellectual freedom, human rights, and progressive principles. It is pro-freedom and pro-labor, pro-liberty and pro-human rights. It is the synthesis of being liberal and being libertarian.

Greg Pope

Mary Popovich

Brian Poronsky

Gabriele Porri

Joanna Porter

Jodie Porter – I am an old leftie who has in recent times realised the inherent hypocracy of old leftism. How can I be for equal political power for all women and at the same time hold the view that all cultures/religions (apart from my own)are above criticism? The USA has many faults, but how can we justify our loathing of this flawed democracy while we glorify a misogynistic and violent theocracy? I think it takes a certain amount of courage to turn from political ideologies once held almost sacred. I am glad that a vocal and educated group of well-credentialled lefties is leading the way.

Julian Porter – I am delighted to find at last a left / liberal manifesto that I can happily agree with. In recent years I have been pained by the fact that the intellectual contortions of much of the left (which have appeared to involve a massive indulgence of Manichean principles coupled with strong anti-Americanism and anti-Semitism) have left me feeling politically homeless. Seeing the disgraceful way that supposedly moderate left / liberal figures can indulge in anti-Semitism (the recently resigned leader of the Lib-Dem group of MEP’s) or support for the appalling behaviour of the Iraqi insurgency (cf Clare Short) and the way that some (Rowan Williams) can endorse the principle of non-intervention to be the sole defining feature of their faith (as well as, in his case, a craven urge to defend homophobia in the name of a bogus relativism) have left me feeling that maybe I cannot be a liberal after all, and must be (apparently) on the hard right. This manifesto gives me hope in that it tells me that I am not alone after all, for which reason (though some of the comment on economic issues is somewhat facile) I am happy to endorse it.

Marcelo Posada

David Pott – I signed because the monifesto concisely and clearly states the values and beliefs that I want to pass on to my young daughters as they grow up in a disturbing, constantly changing and sometimes violent world.

Jason Potter – I encountered the Euston Manifesto quite by accident, but couldn’t be more pleased with the principles it promotes. I hope it spreads like a virus among progressive intellectuals worldwide.

Simon Pottinger

David Powell

Michael Powell

Carlo Prato – because it is extremely rare for me to find a political document which represents more than 50% of my ideas. In this case I would say that I almost totally agree with your statement.

John Pratt

Luca Predebon – I have never considered myself to be a “leftist”, but i fully agree with the aims and ideas expressed by this manifesto.


Bridget Prentice

Paul Prescod

Ian Preston

Jim Price – I have signed because I believe that what the maifesto stands for should be self-evident to those of us on the centre-left, and yet, over several years, many of our colleagues have lost their moral compass. We need to re-establish what is important to us all, as democrats. This is an important step in the right direction.

Neal Price

Carl Prine – I not only signed, I offer my life, and soul, to fight facism and the forces of jihadist reaction in Iraq. Although I remain forever concerned about the projection of American force in the world, one must find common cause with any fight against tyranny.

Emanuela Prister – Finally! Finally the left may see the light! The day the left paints terrorists for what they are, the day the left apologizes for demonizing Israel and the Jews, for demonizing the United States of America, for having failed to recognize the plight of refugees everywhere in the world except for the Palestinians, for having supported dictatorships like Saddams, like Arafat, like Hugo Chavez, like People’s Republic of China, like the Soviet Union, for having supported terror, justified terror even invoked terror and embraced terror against civilian populations, for having justified the destruction left by the no globals, for having justified violence, the day the left finally finds a backbone and agrees that there are situations where one country can and indeed must take up arms to defend itself, the day the left recognizes that it cheapened and soiled the word “peace”, when it admits that it failed to protect women everywhere in the name of ‘cultural differences” (i.e. “the burka is Ok because it is their culture, and so if female genital mutilation, slavery, abuse mistreatment of women or honor killings), the day the left recognizes that their political opponents (the right) are not Hitler, and they are not worse than Saddam, and their positions their concerns are legitimate and to be heard if we are to have a democracy, then maybe I will re-join your ranks. Until then you have much work to do.

Giuditta Prister

John Pritchard

Paul Pritchard – Having read the manifesto, I was struck by how much of it is little more than a statement of the obvious, although some of the statements I don’t entirely agree with – more for what has been left out that what has been included. As such, I’ve been in two minds as to its value. The deciding factor for me was when I went out to dinner this evening. The manifesto and some of the issues surrounding it was on my mind and I brought it up, specifically in relation to whether hanging gay people can ever be justified. I was shocked when my friend (a green) took the position that she would rather condone a homophobic culture than agree that gay Iranians should enjoy the same rights and freedoms as gay Italians. I still have some reservations, but I do think that human rights are human rights regardless of where you happen to live or which treaties your government happens to have signed up to and – for that reason – I am signing up to the Euston Manifesto.

Matt Pritt

Robert Prosperine-Laflamme

John Protevi – I would like to second the reservation expressed by Marion Lipschutz: “comparing Guantanamo to the Russian Gulag is an exaggeration of quantitative scale but not in qualitative suffering of the inmates.” Other than that, and any other aspects of “quantitativism” one might find in it, I find the Manifesto a stirring statement of principle and am happy to lend my support to it and to all honest attempts to instantiate those principles.

Veronica Puertollano – I live in Madrid, and I belong to a group in Barcelona opposed to nationalist politics implemented in Catalonia and in Spain today. We are about to create a new political party, based upon principles similar to those expounded in the Euston Manifesto. We believe it is of the utmost importance that people across Europe who share these viewpoints come together and make an effort to promote sound and rational political agendas.


Robert Puharic – The goal is freedom. It is not religion. It is not the state. It is FREEDOM. Neither the left nor the right has an interest in this difficult idea. Those who believe that HUMAN BEINGS should be FREE must, at this time, defend this rather obvious basic human right.

Federico Punzi

Keegan Purdy

Nav Purewal – The Left is too often mistaken for a monolithic entity. So when ostensibly Leftist groups ally themselves with pimps for totalitarianism, it soils our collective reputation. The Euston Manifesto is a necessary first step in reclaiming the mantle of the Left from those who sell out our core values to facilitate facile anti-Americanism. Those of us who support democracy, free expression, and racial and sexual equality cannot stand idly by while the self-proclaimed voices of the Left forge a suicide pact with forces irreconcilable with these beliefs. In the past I’ve been uncomfortable with the term “Decent Left,” for it implies that those who do not share all our values lack decency, but in this manifesto I find ideas that all decent Leftists should share. We can only benefit from a diverse exchange of ideas, but if one voice cries loudest from the Decent Left, let it be The Euston Manifesto.

Mark Purves – Theocratic fascism must be oppossed.