Euston Manifesto Blog

Platform Three

Brian Brivati addresses Martin Kettle’s centre-Left critique by clarifying the intention of the manifesto.
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The Observer: Why the Euston group offers a new direction for the left

A disparate set of left-wing thinkers meeting in a London pub has reopened an essential debate on the nature of democracy

To be on the left is to be both temperamentally inclined to dissent and to be passionate about your own utopia, which can never be achieved. Condemned to disappointment, you rage at the world, your party and your leader.

Relative peace comes when the right is in power and the left temporarily sinks its differences before the greater enemy. But to survive in office, the left leader must keep utopian factionalism at bay and that means making your followers understand hard realities and tough trade-offs and selling them the ones you make yourself.

link to full article

Platform Two

Norman Geras answers two criticisms by modern historian Marc Mulholland.
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Platform One

Norman Geras deals with some of the more basic attacks.
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This is the Website of a new democratic progressive alliance.

You can read the Euston Manifesto here.

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