Euston Manifesto Blog


The signing form at the Euston site was built in a rush to meet our original publication deadline and fit the Joomla system that runs this site so it had a number of holes that have been exploited by spammers for some months, resulting in the repeated corruption of the list with links to porn sites.

Because of this I and Andrew Regan have to devote a lot of time to manually pruning the database of fake signatories. We will try to solve this problem when we migrate the whole of the site to WordPress, but neither of us has the time to do this long and involved job right now.

I am therefore suspending the sign-up form. If you would like to sign the manifesto please email the address manifesto at the domain

Nick Cohen Meeting 6:15pm, 22Mar07

Democratiya, The Euston Manifesto, Engage, and Mishcon de Reya are delighted to invite you to a conversation with Nick Cohen. In What’s Left? How Liberals Lost their Way Cohen tells the story of how parts of the Liberal-Left of the 20th Century ended up supporting the far Right of the 21st in the shape of Islamic extremism.
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Arabic translation of Euston Manifesto now available

We are pleased to publish an Arabic translation of the Euston Manifesto. The translation was co-ordinated by Ammar Abdulhamid, director of The Tharwa Foundation, and affiliated to the Brookings Institution in Washington. We are particularly keen to hear responses from our Arabic readers.

Workin’ It interview available as download

Jackie Guerra’s Workin’ It radio interview with Abdullah Muhsin and Alan Johnson, authors of Hadi Never Died: Hadi Saleh and the Iraqi Unions (TUC, 2006) is now available to listen or download.

Democratic Socialist: Bernard Hughes

In Independent Labour Publications’ Democratic Socialist, Bernard Hughes, a reluctant supporter, writes about the Euston Manifesto and the general phenomenon of online political blogging in Britain. He also coins the term “Eustonard”.

Two questions about the Euston phenomenon arise from its life so far: first, is this a genuinely new form of political organisation that deserves attention?; secondly, are the politics of this thing actually any good?

“Workin’ It” interviews authors of history of Iraqi trade unions

Workin’ It is a weekly radio show focusing on working life in America, hosted by comedienne and author Jackie Guerra. Tomorrow, 06Jan07, the show will feature Abdullah Muhsin and Alan Johnson, authors of a new book on the history of Iraqi unions and the 2005 assassination of one of its leaders. There’s more info at the American Rights at Work Website.

International Herald Tribune: A Manifesto From the Left Too Sensible to Ignore

“Among hyperventilating left-liberals, hatred of Bush is so intense that rational argument usually goes out the window. The result is a mindless cacophony.”

The full text of this article is only available to subscribers at the New York Times site where it first appeared, but there’s more detail at Jeff Weintraub’s blog

Left Forum: NYC, 9–11 March 2007

Left Forum 2007 will take place March 9-11 at the Cooper Union in New York City. Each spring, Left Forum convenes the largest gathering in North America of the US and international Left. Last year’s conference brought together 1500 participants, speakers, booksellers, and social movement organizations from across the globe for a dynamic three-day event. Conference updates and information about their events appear on their Website. For further information or to volunteer please contact them:

Left Forum,
c/o Ph.D. Program in Sociology
365 5th Avenue, NY, NY 10016

IAB January Seminar

Ofir Frankel invites Euston Manifesto supporters to the International Advisory Board for Academic Freedom’s (IAB) January seminar at 16:00 local time on Tuesday 16 January 2006 at the Shimshon and Chana Feldman Congress Hall (building 301), Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan. The speaker will be Yale University’s Prof. Charles Asher Small, the title: Processes of Globalization: Impact on Contemporary Anti-Semitism and Anti-Israel Sentiment.

In the discourse surrounding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, extreme criticism of Israel (e.g., Israel is an “apartheid” state, or that the Israel Defense Forces deliberately target Palestinian civilians), are coupled with radical policy campaigns (e.g., academic boycotts, divestment from companies doing business with Israel). Such activism is often criticized as a form of neo anti-Semitism (as Israel is singled out for special treatment). In his research, Prof. Small has applied a detailed statistical methodology in order to analyze this issue.

Prof. Small is the Director of the Yale Initiative on the Interdisciplinary Study of Anti-Semitism (YIISA). YIISA is based at Institution for Social and Policy Studies (ISPS) Yale University. It is the first such scholarly institute in a North American University. Prof. Small is also the President and Founder of the Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy.

Children Of Peace

Children Of Peace is a new charity that is already helping Israeli and Palestinian children to build friendship and trust through shared arts, education, health and sports programmes. You can read more about the organisation at their Website and make a donation via the Children Of Peace Donor Line: 0870 300 1064.